02/02/2011 |
Last Updated:
02/02/2011 |
Maitland, NSW, Australia |
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate |
Web site:
| |
(projects i'm involved in)
(projects i'm following)
Posted by Mark Brown about 14 years ago
Purple Pear commenced in 2006 when Kate and Mark moved from a rented property in Dungog to start the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)
WWOOFer's have been an amazing help in establishing the farm. Young and old have bought not only energy but also love and fun and culture to the mix. We have had hard times and good times together, long hot days and family fun too. Just a few are in the gallery below.
Course participants continue to be part of the farm long after they have moved on. The bond that develops between people on a PDC creates a long term support network and many visit for festivals or just drop in.
Customers in the CSA too become part of the family and participate in the festivals or visit the farm to soak up the atmosphere of the source of their food.
School and other groups come to learn and/or to see the origin of food and the methods it can be grown. Some camp over night to soak up the farm atmosphere.
Permaculture groups and Organic Growers groups have field days on the farm and University students have come to see a model for sustainable periurban food production.
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