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Posted by Chief Phillip 'Cloudpiler' Landis almost 14 years ago
After spending a decade in the parched, wind-blown, sun-baked, frost and snow-frozen high desert of Utah, the rainy, forested, protected foothills of the Ozarks seemed like heaven on earth. The property I was able to acquire was covered with sedond growth trees, thriving, living, exuding happiness trees. I had found Eden.
When I settled down to observing the soil, however, I was to have a comeuppance. It was nothing but sand with very littel humus, laying on top of two feet or so of solid red clay. Wonderful to build with, but not so good to grow anything on. In fact, i broke the ground in the usual way (rototiller God forbid!), and tried to grow some food that first summer. Not happenning. The rain pounded, and the sun pounded, and I had hardpan in no time. The poor plants just wilted and withered away.
That Fall I enrolled in a PDC course that changed everything! I am watching the soil build now, right before my very eyes. For the first time in my life, I have living soil to work with, soil that may just need a little extra sand in it to make it ideal. What a turnaround!
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Chief Phillip 'Cloudpiler' Landis has permaculture experience in: |
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Cold Temperate |
Cool Temperate |
Arid |