19/08/2011 |
Last Updated:
20/08/2011 |
Brisbane, QLD, Australia |
Climate Zone:
Sub-tropical |
Female |
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Posted by Rebekah Copas over 13 years ago
. . . after more or less finishing another work in writing, available at the website. It is a totally longwinded yarn, (longer in the winds of time with poems included), about the urgent need to aid the prevention of the abuse of opium derived substances, due to the effect those drugs have on the collective human subconscious; and outlines most of what I know about helping the heroin dependent into a clean life. I've spent many years distantly connected with too many folk with opium dependencies, not to care, and yet know it best often enough, not to entertain the sorrow of their condition, but to just get on with the job of living while accepting their lack of control of their lives. I've also had an ongoing interest in the use of drugs like Ibogaine, Peyote, Ayahausca, etc, for the alleviation of opium dependent states of mind, and have written only a little about that, because I believe that such work is highly dependent upon appropriate physical and cultural conditions. My recent work in developing a sequence of homeopathic remedies which can work similarly, but are more suitable for a Water element based culture, (whereas Americans have a Fire based culture), is now officially copyrighted and in the public domain, accessible at including a free download of a still slightly imperfect pdf file. I am still not sure if the upcoming EGA (Entheogenesis Australia) conference will prove relevant to my writing, but anybody interested could check out that angle on similar work also, at
thanks for reading this everybody
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