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Mariette Tuohey 's Profile
Mariette Tuohey
Last Updated:
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Climate Zone:
Cool Temperate

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Ashwood College Permaculture Food Garden Making Ecocide a Crime
Cheyenne Naegler Firdaus Nisha  Muhammad Faizal francine chanover Irene Kightley Jose Dib Michael Schmidt Nikita Vout Rebekah Copas Santiago Galindo
Adam Grubb Dan Palmer Darren J.  Doherty Geoff Lawton
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About Mariette Tuohey

Mariette Tuohey teaches food gardening step-by-step in the Ashwood College Permaculture Food Garden. 8 x 2 hour sessions which each focus on a particular topic: Compost, Topsoil Regeneration, Weeds, Seeds, Pests, Propagation, Water and a final session called Conducting the Jungle - dealing with the fact that a robust permaculture garden can look like chaos to a conventional gardener.

Mariette completed her PDC in Bendigo's Gravel Hill gardens in August 2004 - the main teachers were David Holmgren and Darren Doherty, Beck Lowe and Mary-Anne Baker.

Mariette is the co-ordinator of the Ashwood College Permaculture Food Garden, an urban food garden run by volunteers which is located on school grounds. Some basic numbers: 2,370 square metres of land, 55 fruit trees, 2 x 75,000 litre tanks which capture water off a large school building, a 6x3m shade house and a pergola with a woodfired pizza oven. This project was started in 2007, and my own garden awaits my attention still. Education has become the focus for this garden.


Food Gardening Step-by-Step

Hands-on learning in the garden, learning by doing is a very effective way for most people to learn new skills

Posted almost 12 years ago (0 comments)

International Permaculture Day at the Ashwood College Permaculture Food Garden

An easy introduction to permaculture design principles - a guided tour through our thriving fruit and vegie garden

Posted almost 13 years ago (0 comments)

Twilight Gardening

Gardening in the cool of the evening is wonderful, especially if you've been dealing with less than wonderful people during the day

Posted over 13 years ago (0 comments)

Pizza Oven - cooking now!

After waiting for a month or two for the mud to dry and the layers to settle, we have taken the next exciting step!

Posted over 13 years ago (0 comments)

Perennial Vegie Growing Workshop

A 3 hour class (inc. lunch) which explains how to grow these plants with keep producing year after year, and how to cook with them...

Posted over 13 years ago (0 comments)

Pizza Oven Building Workshop

Final construction day for our pizza oven! We're adding the last layer of mud on Saturday 2 July. We'd love more company :-)

Posted over 13 years ago (0 comments)
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