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Irma Kinga Allen 's Profile
Irma Kinga Allen
Last Updated:
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Climate Zone:
Cool Temperate

My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)

Kigamboni Community Centre

Kigamboni Community Centre

Dar Es Salaam, TZ


(projects i'm following)

Kinesi Orphans Permaculture Project Recovery of Foodforestsystems at foot of Kilimanjaro
Anthony Munene Dilek Yalcin Demiralp Grifen Hope Helder Valente João Gonçalves Lola Clinton Nicole Vosper Richard Perkins Sheena Shah Simon Blackwell Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes zayd mseis
Anthony Munene Bernhard Gruber Elke Cole Geoff Lawton Grifen Hope Monica Marshall Steve Read

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Supporting permaculture in Tanzania - call out for expert help!

Posted by Irma Kinga Allen almost 14 years ago

Call out for experienced permaculturists in the East Africa region!

I've joined forces with a great charity out in Tanzania called the Kigamboni Community Centre set up by a good friend of mine who I recently encouraged to attend a permaculture course in northern Tanzania. He would now like to apply what he's learned and develop KCC owned land into a fully-functioning permaculture demonstration project. At the moment I am supporting the project from the UK with a view to helping to find funding to get things started, but the guys on the ground are keen to get things going practically and are in the design stage. We are keen to hear about any experienced permaculturists who may be in the East Africa area who would be willing to go out and help them in doing this. None of us have any experience ourselves - so it should be fun! The guys are hugely ambitious with plans to build a school, clinic, community space as well as develop agriculture and aquiculture projects, and I know they will do it! But it would be great to have some expert input. Please get in touch!

Comments (2)

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Elke Cole
Elke Cole : Hi Irma My friend Max from the czeck republic pointed out your notice and this forum to me and I want to contact you to see what's possible. I have been working with a group in Bagamoyo TZ also on setting up permaculture practices and planning. We're developing a site outside of town to be the centre for a children's home, a small school and a farm that supports it all. So far we've done a bunch of planning and building (my background is very much in natural building and architecture). Like you I have been looking for experienced permies who know specifically about the hot/humid climate that we have there. Are you interested in collaborating in some form? What might that look like? I invite you to check out my website to find out more about me and the project so far: http://www.elkecole.com and blog: http://elkeallover.blogspot.com/

I look forward to hearing back from you Cheers Elke
Posted almost 14 years ago

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Laos wlacc
Laos wlacc : When I was looking for a site where I could finally play the latest online slot machines in Australia, I came across this site - Wazamba , and I really liked this site, because on this site I was able to play high-quality online slot machines for real money in Australia. If you also want to start playing slot machines online, then this site will definitely suit you.
Posted 3 months ago

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Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Pri verified
PDC course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton
Other Teachers: Bill Mollison
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Date: Nov 2010
PDC Certificate
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Steve Read
Location: Dharmahouse, France
Date: Apr 2008
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