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Denisa Müllerova
Last Updated:
Boskovice, Czech Republic
Climate Zone:
Cold Temperate

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Living Rhythm Farm
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Ancient Garden Permaculture Pictures

Posted by Denisa Müllerova about 14 years ago

The right date on the pictures is of course 2011, these are the views of the garden area and the yard. Most of the garden had been tilled in the place of vegetable beds. We will have to negotiate with the local people working in this garden not to do it anymore. Also there will be a snail problem as I could not persue the people to introduce ducks. I hope to succeed later. Even the planned changes are huge concerning this kind of approach is brand new in this area. The little dam cascade is turning into a bureaucratic nightmare - we shall need to obtain 16stamps to get the permission to build them. Well, all the papers should be ready by May...

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Comments (3)

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Elena Parmiggiani
Elena Parmiggiani : thank you denisa! :* See you in a while!
Posted about 14 years ago

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Mark Brown
Mark Brown : I'd love some captions but thanks for sharing. It must be so great to be working amongst history like that.
Posted about 14 years ago

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Max Vittrup Jensen
Max Vittrup Jensen : Welcome to the curse of 'Post-Socialist-Stress-Disorder' in Czech Republic: The bureacracy, which I believe is about equal to what I hear tales about in India!

Feel free to contact me for advice; I had similar intentions like you 11 years ago, and have now used about 7 of those years fighting the bureacrats, rather than actually implementing pc systems....! (Ok; not quite, but you get the idea!) I'm about 1 hour North of you in Moravia; www.permalot.org Are you aware that it takes a building permit to plant a hedge row on your field here in Czec Republic??? That a barn for a couple of sheep, hay and a smal tractor has to be engineer designed and non-burnable? + we need a statement from the air force that the 4 meter building isn't in the way of their flights! I'm not kidding!
Posted almost 14 years ago

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My Permaculture Qualifications
Pri verified
PDC course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton
Other Teachers: Bill Mollison
Location: PRI TURKEY
Date: Nov 2010

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