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David Braden 's Profile
David Braden
Last Updated:
Golden, CO, United States
Climate Zone:
Cool Temperate
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My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)


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The GrowHaus Community Cultivators Purple Pear Farm Casa Cosmica Permacultura Aralar Wildwood Community Permacultured Gardens
Alice Gray Ann Cantelow Avery Ellis Catherine Cheramie Chowgene Koay Crystal  Niedzwiadek Delphine Drory Heather E Ian Lacey Janice Ross John Lee Landcraft Permaculture ...... Paul Boundy Marc Van Hummelen Mark Brown Merry Cox Mike Wood ofosu asamoah Rae Fuller Sami email500@gmx.com Sarah Spotten Simha Bode Sophia assengasophia@yahoo.co.uk Stephanie Ladwig-Cooper Theron Beaudreau Tim Auld Zeljko Serdar
Adam Brock Alice Gray Avery Ellis Brad Hamilton Chowgene Koay Claire Kellerman Craig Sponholtz Dieter Proebst Geoff Lawton Kay Baxter Marc Van Hummelen Mari Korhonen Mark Brown Mike Wood Owen Hablutzel Samantha Belyeu Stephanie Ladwig-Cooper Teresa Smith Theron Beaudreau Tim Auld

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Meet the Team

Posted by David Braden over 13 years ago

Ordinary people taking the future into their own hands

We all want the same things . . . to be fed, to be safe, to be loved. We seek fulfillment through the groups to which we belong and conflict between groups is the greatest threat to our well being.


There are six of us as of this writing. We are of diverse backgrounds and circumstances but share this interest in what we can do to make our community a better place to live.


Don and I have been working together on the Broomfield gardens for some three years now. Don rents a place in Broomfield, about 20 miles from the API, but he also keeps some of his bees here. Don works four ten hour days in a customer service position across town. David W and Sidnie got involved because of a town hall meeting on urban agriculture hosted by our state representative Max Tyler. Sid has a house about a mile south east of API and has a temporary consulting position. David W is a stay at home Dad with two young daughters. His home is maybe 2 miles south east. Ruth got involved through an interest in Time Banks and a connection through Transition Colorado. Ruth has a home about 4 miles north of the API on the way to Broomfield and owns a coaching and training business. Carol has a full time job and owns a condominium just about ½ way between David W and Sid. Carol got involved through an organizational meeting for Transition Golden and the Ethical Eating committee of her Church which is just down the block from the API.


We have talked about all the different things we could do to develop our skills in organizing ourselves to provide for ourselves. We have active gardening projects at the API, David W's, and the common areas at Carol's condominium. We have a number of projects that we can undertake . . . there is a design for Sid's yard . . . we need to do a design for Ruth's yard . . . Don wants to have more bee hives in more places . . . I have some designs for a green house and raising fish and chickens.


All the things that you could think of to be living sustainably, this team could choose to undertake. As we work together and learn to produce for ourselves, it is a savings, not an expense, in both time and money. Rather than interacting with the world from a position of scarcity, the more people we can engage, the more we can do, and the more there will be to share. The goal is to develop the know how to organize ourselves so that each of these team members can engage new team members, and engage in new projects, even closer to their homes, until every neighborhood in the world has a gardening team developing community sufficiency technologies.

Comments (1)

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Mark Brown
Mark Brown : It sounds like a "project" David great luck with your endeavours
Posted about 13 years ago

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