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Nathan Dow
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North Carolina, United States
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My Collection of Perennial Plants and Fruit Trees So Far

Posted by Nathan Dow almost 10 years ago

The pictures below are of all the perennial plants and fruit trees I have on my property so far.  More additions to come, especially in the fruit tree category.  We're just trying to plan what trees we want and the best spot to plant them.

Pic #1, Blueberries.  I currently have 4 total plants. I want to add more, but since blueberry plants are expensive, I am going to attempt to take cuttings and make clones of the plants I already have later this year.

Pic #2, Raspberries.  It's kind of funny that we have bountiful black raspberries, because we didn't even plant it in our yard.  Our best guess is that a bird flew overhead and just happened to poo in the best spot for the berry vines to grow.  After 3 years, the vines have just exploded and there will be berries to eat for a few weeks very soon.  We also have a younger red raspberry vine (not pictured) that is doing well, although not as big as the black raspberry vines.

Pic #3, Grapes.  Planted this vine a couple of years ago and it is setting fruit for the first time this year.  It's growing up and across the fence seperating my yard from our neighbor's driveway.  I'm sure there are some grapes forming on their side of the fence, but I don't mind sharing.  I'm also attempting to use the vine to suppress the overgrowth of English Ivy on the edges of my yard. 

Pic #4, Mulberry.  My wife pointed out just last year that we had a mulberry tree growing on a steep part of a hill on the back side of our property.  I cleared away other young tree limbs to allow it to get more sunlight, and my wife gave it some composted chicken manure to help give it a boost.  We already have lots of mulberries forming on the tree this year. 

Pic #5, Barlett pear trees.  I admittedly did not do enough research on pear trees and planted two of the same variety, which has kept us from having fruit form (no pollination from a different variety).  Bartlett pears are also very susecptible to fire blight, and my trees were heavily infected last year.  I managed to prune the worst of it out, and it doesn't appear to have returned this year so far.  My long term plan includes either buying another variety of pear tree or grafting one onto one of the existing trees.

Pic #6, Oregano. Classic herb used in Italian dishes. I planted this three years ago, and have never given it fertilizer or watered it directly (other than the initial compost I mixed into the soil when I planted the seed). It smells great wafting in the wind blowing through the garden. It is one of the most visited plants by pollinators when it blooms with tiny white flowers in late Spring and early Summer.

Pic #7, Strawberry. We planted strawberries a few years ago in a bed that eventually became entirely shaded from an oak tree and other plants (raspberries, rose bush, hydrangea, ect.) Started with about five plants, now down to one single specimen. I am going to try to nurse this strawberry back to health by giving it much needed sunlight and room to grow. Hopefully, I can get it going enough to send out runners again.

That's it for now.  We don't have much produce coming from our perennials yet (other than raspberries), but with time, the production of each plant or tree should increase with more research and care given to each one as needed.  Thanks for checking out my update.  Will post more soon.  Be sure to check out my blog http://dowdominion.blogspot.com/ for more info on my gardens, designs and methods.

Edit1: Having some issues uploading pictures, hopefully will be able to fix it soon.

Edit2: Ok, I think all the pictures are working now.
Edit3: Typo correction.

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