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Klaus Wilhelm Meier-Doernberg 's Profile
Klaus Wilhelm Meier-Doernberg
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Kandal Village/Kampot, Kampot, Cambodia
Climate Zone:
Wet/Dry Tropical
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OM Farm Kampot

OM Farm Kampot

Kandaul Village, KH

Astrid Bohnel Camilo Vallejos Dennis McMahon Gurjeet Kaur Ian Leds Miki Ferrandino Sarvesvara Dasa Silvia Floresta Sophia assengasophia@yahoo.co.uk
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Biochar experiment

Posted by Klaus Wilhelm Meier-Doernberg over 10 years ago

Biochar experiment in tropical soil with peanuts, Moringa,Holy Basil and more ...

Biochar experiment at OM Farm Kampot ... to be continued.
The experiment started on 10.August 2014 on a former rice field (80m x 40 m). The Carbon was mixed 5:1 with cow manure enriched with enhanced microorganism ( EM ) mixed with water and left some days covered to activate, brought out on the field and mixed (5% Biochar) about 30 cm deep into the soil. We planted the first 100 (2 month old potted) Moringa oleifera in the Biochar field and filled every second other rows with directly seeding Moringa oleifera and every row between with transplanted 4 month old Rama Tulsi aka Holy Basil ( Ocimum tenuiflorum / Ocimum sanctum ). In a smaller part of the field we planted Morning Glory, Chilly and other species of Ocimum Basilicum.
Health and growth performance of all plants in the Biochar field is far better than on the control fields only fertilized with cow manure and covered with rice straw.
The same time we planted peanuts on 5 former rice fields (each about 80m x 30m). In one of the fields we implemented 5% of our Biochar with visible better health and growth performance than in the 4 other fields with only cow manure.
All former rice fields had been used for cows for 2 years, they have been compleatly overgrased by cows, depleated from rainy seasons and burned out from the heat and sun in the dry season. We bought the land and left it 1 year untouched (it started to regenerate a bit growing a carpet of grass and small herbs) before we started the Biochar experiment.

In the next days we will start another Biochar field experiment with different vegetables. For now the Biochar experiment looks very promising and we hope it will have the positive impact as we suggest in the long run as well.
here are some photos of the start, some photos of the results may follow.

Biochar mixed with EM and cow manure

planting the first 100 Moringa into the Biochar field
bringing out the BIOCHAR

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