10/12/2011 |
Last Updated:
16/03/2012 |
Ericeira, Portugal |
Climate Zone:
Mediterranean |
Female |
Web site:
| |
(projects i'm involved in)
(projects i'm following)
Since childhood I have a huge passion for country life, plants , seeds , animals and people !
I studied botany , soil regeneration , worked in the natural park of Sintra in Portugal for a few years where I learned lots of skills , from plant propagation , seed collection and conservation , recognition of pests and diseases in plants ( trees ) , learned historical gardening .
I work with about 900 species of natural flora of the region ( sintra) in which half of them are Mediterranean, and about 10% are plants worldwide are found only in one area, the rest are endangered species, which are in the Serra de Sintra, favorable conditions for their survival.
One of my main jobs is colect and save seeds of endemic and highly endangered species.
started a project to permaculture gardens in schools in 2008 and has since I have worked with schools in my community .
During this journey I was giving training in various areas related to sustentabilidae , conservation and collection of seeds , vegetable gardens on balconies , permaculture in the kitchen ( fermented ) , composting , permaculture for children and schools , natural soap , Urban permaculture, and various workshops do yourself .
I got involved in various projects of community gardens in some towns near Lisbon .
I became involved in the project as voluntary and Campanha das sementes livres and develop some workshops related to collection and conservation of traditional seed varieties and helped collect traditional seeds with the farmers .
Among those things I was studying for the PRI Australia, where I did an internship :
Permaculture Earthworks Course
Permaculture Project and Aid Workers Course Permaculture Design Certificate Teacher Training CoursePermaculture Urban Landscape Design Course Compost Soil Biology Natural Fertilizer CourseDetailed Design and Consultancy,Surveying,Earth Works,Aid Project Establishment,Farm Forestry,Nursery Systems,Animal Systems, small to large,Fencing systems,Main Crops,Food Forests,Fuel Wood Production,Kitchen Gardens,Urban Systems,Garden Agriculture,Architecture Design,Energy Systems,Waste Systems,Aquaculture,Community Group Establishment,Composting systems
Developed several permaculture courses in Portugal, along with other teachers
Permaculture activist and a mom!
Have a passion for seeds , and i believe that the future of traditional varieties is in its preservation and freedom of all seeds! thus began my journey into the world of permaculture!
the best legacy i can leave to my children is a healthy planet!
I am currently involved in several Permaculture projects in Portugal where I develop design, consultancy and training in permaculture.
The Permaculture Design Course – PDC is an intensive immersion in the Permaculture universe, lectured by Silvia Floresta and Orlando Pereira, Permaculture teacher and a reference in Permaculture.
O Curso de Design em Permacultura - PDC é uma imersão intensiva no universo da Permacultura. Este curso destina-se a apoiar os alunos a desenvolverem uma linguagem ecológica, uma compreensão dos princípios básicos de design ecológico e regenerativo, com
Permacultura é um sistema de design consciente baseado em éticas e princípios ecológicos que imitam os padrões da natureza e ao mesmo tempo produz abundância de alimentos, energia e diversos recursos para suprimir as necessidades locais. Infra-estruturas,
16th - 29th of August 2014
Tuesday 1st July – Thursday 9th July 2014
Patent granted on watermelons
Curso Certificado Design em Permacultura
Mushroom Cultivation |
Type: Other |
Teacher: Rui coelho _ Quadrante natural |
Location: Lisboa |
Date: Mar 2010 |
identifying trees /Identificação de Árvores |
Type: Other |
Teacher: Rui Pedro Lérias |
Location: Lisboa |
Date: May 2010 |
Internship |
Type: Internship |
Teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Location: Austrália |
Date: Apr 2012 |
Earthwoks |
Type: Earthworks |
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Other Teachers: Tim Barker, Nadia lawton |
Location: Austrália |
Date: Apr 2012 |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Teacher: Doug Crouch |
Location: Sintra |
Date: Jul 2011 |
Permaculture Project Aid Worker Course |
Type: Other |
Teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Location: Permaculture research institute Australia |
Date: Jun 2012 |
Permaculture Urban Landscape Design Course |
Type: Other |
Teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Location: Permaculture research institute Australia |
Date: May 2012 |
Seed Saving Course |
Type: Other |
Teacher: Kay Baxter |
Location: Permaculture research institute Australia |
Date: May 2012 |
Permaculture Design Course Teacher training Course |
Type: Teacher Training |
Teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Location: Permaculture research institute Australia |
Date: May 2012 |
Biointensive Gardening Course |
Type: Gardening |
Teacher: Kay Baxter |
Location: Permaculture research institute Australia |
Date: Jun 2012 |
Compost Soil Biology - Natural Fertiliser Course |
Type: Soil Biology/Compost |
Teacher: Paul Taylor |
Location: Permaculture research institute Australia |
Date: Jun 2012 |
SEED SAVERS TOUR 2011 / Portugal |
Type: Other |
Teacher: Jude Fanton |
Location: Portugal |
Date: Nov 2011 |
Agrofloresta Sintrópica |
Type: Other |
Teacher: Ernest gotsch |
Location: Portugal | Herdade do Freixo do Meio |
Date: Mar 2018 |
174 PDC Graduates (list) |
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list) |
23 Other Course Graduates (list) |
have acknowledged being taught by Silvia Floresta |
0 have not yet been verified (list) |
Silvia Floresta has permaculture experience in: |
Cold Temperate |
Cool Temperate |
Warm Temperate |
Mediterranean |
Sub tropical |