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Marda Permaculture Farm, Palestine
Marda Permaculture Farm, Palestine
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Marda village, , Salfit region, PS
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Back to Marda Permaculture Farm, Palestine

PDC in Marda, May 2013

Project: Marda Permaculture Farm, Palestine

Posted by Murad J.R.ALkhufash almost 12 years ago

Join us for an exquisite opportunity to learn about permaculture principles and techniques from the renowned international teacher Starhawk, and the permaculture specialists Klaudia Van Gool and myself, whilst experiencing life in beautiful Palestine!

PDC to run 16th-30th May

 * Languages: English with Arabic translation

* A fantastic opportunity to learn Permaculture Design at Marda’s demonstration site and to experience Palestinian culture at its richest.

* Marda is an ancient, peaceful stone village nestled in the mountains one hour from Jerusalem and surrounded by olive groves.

* The mild climate and rich soil support a great diversity of flora and fauna and being close to the soil here in the Holy Land is a life changing experience.

* The course includes 14 nights board in a comfortable house (camping if you prefer) with internet, showers, washing machine etc..

* Everyone is welcome to this 14 day event, please contact us to book and for help with travel advice.


Program Outline

What is permaculture?

Permaculture history, ethics and principles.

Palestine—cultural overview, history, land use history.  Traditional agriculture—what we can learn from the ancestors.

Climate change.

Reading the landscape.

Site analysis.

Patterns in nature and their application to design.

Zones and sectors



Water harvesting: swales, ponds, keyline

A-frames and bunyips—finding contour

Rain catchment and storage


Sewage solutions—black water treatment, rock and reed beds, living machines, compost toilets


Soil structure and biology

Soil building


Compost tea

Sheet mulch

Cover crops and green manures

Soil, water and carbon cycles

Bioremediation of soil and water

Mycoremediation and mushrooms

Rotational grazing and keyline


Plant guilds


Seed saving

Food forests

Orchard planning and tree care

Trees and sustainable forestry, woodland management

Coppice and pollarding

Wind breaks

Animals in the system:

Bees and beekeeping

Chickens and poultry

Sheep and goats—holistic management grazing systems


Energy systems:

Energy conservation

Alternative energy—renewables

Solar—passive, active, hot water


Savonius rotor systems

Rocket and masonry stoves

Natural Building:

Traditions of the Middle East

Cob, adobe, mudbrick, strawclay

Group dynamics and decision-making:

Conflict transformation

Way of council

Open space

World cafe


Money, debt and true wealth

Alternative currencies

Crowd funding


Organizing for a permacultural vision:




Site assessment

Design process and tools

Design project and presentation


Starhawk is one of the most respected voices in modern earth-based spirituality. She is also well known as a global justice activist and organizer, whose work and writings have inspired many to action. She is the author or coauthor of twelve books including The Fifth Sacred ThingThe Earth Path and The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups.  She holds an MA in Psychology from Antioch West University, and received her Permaculture Design Certificate in 1996 from Penny Livingston-Stark.  Since 2000, she has been teaching and directing Earth Activist Trainings, which offer training in permaculture with a grounding in spirit and a focus on organizing and activism, with a mission to bring the tools and insights of regenerative design to communities with the greatest need.  EAT has trained hundreds of students over the past thirteen years, as well as providing support for social justice mobilizations and encampments, disaster aid and bioremediation in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and ongoing training for at-risk youth, community gardens and job training programs in inner city San Francisco.   Starhawk has a special interest in the people-care aspects of social permaculture, in conflict resolution and group decision-making, and in urban permaculture. Together with EAT teacher Charles Williams, she is also developing model permaculture systems for Mediterranean climates on her Sonoma County, CA ranch, integrating olives, lavender, food forests, chickens and a holistic management rotational grazing program for sheep.  She also has a deep love for soil biology and the roll soil building can play in mitigating climate change.


Klaudia van Gool has had an interest in plants and growing for as long as she can remember and has incorporated Permaculture ideas for the last 20 years. She did the Sustainable Land Use and Permaculture Design Certificate at Ragmans Lane Farm with Patrick Whitefield in 2006 and completed her Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design in January 2009. She has a degree in Environmental Science from the University of Plymouth and has worked advising and training businesses on environmental improvements. She is interested in wild foods and natural beekeeping and she has a particular interest in the role of People Care in Permaculture. Klaudia has been teaching Permaculture in a variety of places and with a range of teachers, including Aranya, Patrick Whitefield, Albert Bates and Looby MacNamara (People and Permaculture) cross-fertilising as she goes.


Murad Al Khuffash is Marda Permaculture Farm founder and permaculture specialist. In 2006, after studying permaculture at the Farm Ecovillage Training Center in Summertown, Tennessee, Murad Alkhfash founded Marda Permaculture Farm. He is creating a teaching center and model farm in Marda for local farmers and international permaculture students.


International students: $1600                                                            

Local students: $400 (a limited number of scholarships might be available)


For registration and more information

 Email: mardapermaculture@gmail.com

Facebook: Marda Permacuture Farm, Palestine

Website: http://mardafarm.wordpress.com/


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With the exception of the ‘Member’ who has never taken a PDC, all of the above can apply to become a PRI PDC Teacher. PRI PDC Teachers are those who the PRI recognise, through a vetting board, as determined and competent to teach the full 72-hour course as developed by Permaculture founder Bill Mollison – covering all the topics of The Designers’ Manual as well as possible (i.e. not cherry picking only aspects the teacher feels most interested or competent in). Such teachers also commit to focussing on the design science, and not including subjective spiritual/metaphysical elements. The reason these items are not included in the PDC curriculum is because they are “belief” based. Permaculture Design education concerns itself with teaching good design based on strategies and techniques which are scientifically provable.

PRI PDC Teachers may be given teaching and/or consultancy offerings as they become available as the network grows.


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