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Posted by Seon Crockford about 14 years ago
The world is small, or so it seems, and getting smaller every day. In order to face the questions presented at this juncture in time we must search within.
It is not a question of growing organic food, or searching for sustainable solutions to the challenges we face (Although these are vitally important). It is a question of how do we really want to live as individuals and as a collective. In order to truly create a sustainable world we must first face ourselves squarely in the mirror and seek the truth of who we are.
How many times in life do we act out of habit, out of a beleif or dogma we hold without ever really questioning if it truly serves us. We all have these habits and beleifs we hold dear, on a larger scale we go to war to protect these beleifs to protect these habits.
I believe the changes we are looking for are more than what appears on the surface, Fundamentally we are crying out as a people, as a collective, and the signs are not only beginning to show they are reeking havoc on our lifes and our planet. We can not continue as we have in the past and ignore the deeper significance of what it means to be human.
So today I take some time, Today I look in the mirror and ask. Do my actions really reflect who I am...
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