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Øyvind Holmstad 's Profile
Øyvind Holmstad
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Gjøvik, Norway
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Cold Temperate
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wandoo ridge food forest Alvastien Telste KPAF Katunggan Permaculture Adventure Farm
Andrew McMillion Brad Hamilton Bronwyn White Chris McLeod Dan West Daniel Larsson Delphine Drory Dixie Rolfe Eirik Hordnes Elin Enger Mollestad gamal ali Gordon Williams Hannes Dettmann Isaac Harkness Jennie Vick Jim Mandal Joakim Pettersson Joel Albertsson katarina stroemfeldt Ken Bird Kevin Jarvis Lars Vassenden Mustafa Fatih Bakir Ruby Ellis Russ Purvis Sami email500@gmx.com Zeljko Serdar
Alex Vincent Aranya Austin Bronwyn White Chris McLeod Dan West edna lee Eirik Hordnes Geoff Lawton Harald Brynlund-Lima Janell Kapoor Joel Lee

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Pictures from the Permaculture Course at Orreviks Gård, Sweden, Summer 2011

Posted by Øyvind Holmstad over 13 years ago

All pictures are free to use for every use for the participants and teachers of the course.

Most pictures are to be found (and downloaded) from the bottom of this post.

All illustrations drawn by Aranya are to be downloaded from Wikimedia Commons here.

Some pictures of the man powered Alfa washing machine are to be found here.

Later I'll make a longer summary post from the course, when I've finished furnishing my new office and got the certificate framed and hanging proudly on the wall.

Img 9364 Img 9370 Img 9374 Img 9380 Img 9385 Img 9387 Img 9393 Img 9397 Img 9403 Img 9404 Img 9406 Img 9411 Img 9413 Img 9414 Img 9415 Img 9416 Img 9419 Img 9422 Img 9425 Img 9463 Img 9464 Img 9465 Img 9467 Img 9472 Img 9474 Img 9481 Img 9484 Img 9485 Img 9486 Img 9488 Img 9494 Img 9502 Img 9510 Img 9512 Img 9514 Img 9521 Img 9535 Img 9547 Img 9549 Img 9551 Img 9552 Img 9554 Img 9559 Img 9561 Img 9568 Img 9573 Img 9577 Img 9590 Img 9591 Img 9622 Img 9626 Img 9643 Img 9656 Img 9660 Img 9664 Img 9667 Img 9670 Img 9673 Img 9681 Img 9682 Img 9684 Img 9691 Img 9657 Img 9658 Img 9695 Img 9701 Img 9702 Img 9704 Img 9724 Img 9742 Img 9770 Img 9751 Img 9774 Img 9776 Img 9790 Img 9791 Img 9794 Img 9798 Img 9803 Img 9805 Img 9806 Img 9810 Img 9813 Img 9833 Img 9838 Img 9843 Img 9844 Img 9845 Img 9846 Img 9847 Img 9848 Img 9849 Img 9851 Img 9853 Img 9854 Img 9855 Img 9859 Img 9864 Img 9865 Img 9820

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My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Aranya Austin
Location: Orreviks Gård, Sweden
Date: Jul 2011

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