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Alex Kruger
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Ladismith, Western Cape, South Africa
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Pushing the climate edge

Posted by Alex Kruger over 13 years ago

I experimented with getting winter seed in much earlier - with good results

Normally we plant our winter seed in the nursery once the heat of summer has abated  - sort of Marchish/Aprilish. This year I went for mid Feb, with much trepidation as we were still creeping up to 40 degrees centigrade. The results were fantastic. I was able to get big healthy seedlings into a brand new contour garden in Mid March, and they have really produced well. Enough greens to supply 2 courses and Internships to some extent, turnip overabundance, and loking forward to more sprouting broccoli. It looks like we will be able to extend our winter season at least by a month earlier. Lets see what happens next year. We will be experimenting with clear refuse bag cloches over seed trays as we go into an early August planting - the frosty season can extend well into September.

Will keep you updated.

If you look at the Berg en Dal Project - you will get an idea of our climate extremes and water challenges.

Comments (2)

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paul barker
paul barker : Very valid and useful research, thank you for sharing, p
Posted over 13 years ago

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Jack Nissen
Jack Nissen : Alex, We plated at similar dates, also with good results. Beets, Chard, Carrot. But did a later planting of Broadbeans, Lettuce and Onion. Feb Planting of Potato was good too. We find that the late summer / autumn season is more productive than Spring early summer as temps get too high if no rain and plants have a tough time and need constant watering until the rains come. Luckily we had 55mm this week (3rd week Nov)
Posted over 13 years ago

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Climate Zones
Alex Kruger has permaculture experience in:
Warm Temperate
Dry Tropical

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