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Klien Karoo Sustainable Dryland Permaculture Project
Klien Karoo Sustainable Dryland Permaculture Project
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PO Box 189, Ladismith, Western Cape, ZA
027 - (0)28 55 11 678
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Abraham Coetzee ALESSANDRO BALDASSARI Alex Kruger Alexandra Dryer Annetjie Pocock Charl Laing chez brown Christine Bauer Claire Coleman Clement HUYGHE Damian Lester Dom Doyle Emil Hasanov Fraser Roberts Gavin Stockden Gerald Anderson Gurjeet Kaur Hubert de Kalbermatten Jacques Joubert Jean Rossouw Jeannnie Viljoen-Davidoff Justin Bramhall Kana Knox Karen de Vries Karen De Vries karen noon Kayla Kidd Khai  Galias Klifford J Fyshwick Laureene Reeves Ndagire Levi Maxwell Lily Bunker Linda Wiseman Line Marie Elkjær Johansen Ludovic Bourdon Luke Smith Marcus Pan Melissa Andrews Myra Graham neil graham Neil Silverhair Nicholas Holmes Nicole Caran Niki Neave paul barker Piet Bosman Randy Monk Raymond Myburgh Rika Scheepers rob durham Robert Grau Ruan Botha Ryan Allan Ryan Botha Ryno le Grange Saleh Achhala Sally Landers Sarah Baleiza Sarvesvara Dasa Sasha Ivanovic Shaun Kotze Somesh De Swardt Sue Spies Tracy Saunders Vaughn Cross Verity Bachmann Warwick Metcalfe Woody Meyer Xavier Francis yannick srodawa-wenger Yvandro Reynolds

Back to Klien Karoo Sustainable Dryland Permaculture Project

Introduction to Permaculture September 2011

Project: Klien Karoo Sustainable Dryland Permaculture Project

Posted by Alex Kruger over 13 years ago

A six day introductory course for practical applications of permaculture

INTRODUCTION TO PERMACULTURE at Berg en Dal, Ladismith, Western Cape

5 to 10 September 2011

This is a 6 day practical course in permaculture techniques and methods for those who have little or no knowledge and experience in Permaculture or gardening practice. The course focus is to introduce basic permaculture concepts, principles and approaches with a strong practical focus on the gardening aspect of permaculture.

We look at the ecological approach to food and resource production rather than design, which is the focus of the Permaculture Design Course (PDC). This course is the ideal bridging course for the PDC as it is simple, applied permaculture.

We will cover all the basic skills required to plan, implement and manage ecological food production systems and provide the participant with a good working knowledge of Permaculture. It is suited to those working in the field of community food garden development and management, where broad scale permaculture design skills are not required.

Course content:

Permaculture Introduction

Permaculture Ethics and Principles – applied

Introduction to Permaculture Design

Sector and Zone theory

Analysis of Elements in the Design

Cultivated Ecology Overview

Water Management: from macro to micro scales

Soil Management: composting, EMs, earthworm farms, soil preparations etc.

Plants: appropriate indigenous and other species, dynamic accumulators, green manures, mulch and fodder banks.

Propagation: sowing seed, making cuttings and seed saving




The course costs are R4000.00, and include teas, lunches and the manual. Your deposit of R2000.00 by 8 August confirms your place on the course. Should you cancel after this date, the deposit is non-refundable. In the unlikely event of us cancelling the course we will return your deposit in full.

Accommodation costs are separate - please look at our web page on accommodation for more information. (www.berg-en-dal.co.za)

Please mail us at permaculture.education.africa@gmail.com  for further enquiries and bookings

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Comments (2)

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Robert Hones
Robert Hones : We collaborate closely with you to devise a personalized maintenance timetable that aligns with the specific needs and budget of your business. Vancouver Spray Foam Insulation Co
Posted about 1 year ago

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Note: The various badges displayed in people profiles are largely honesty-based self-proclamations by the individuals themselves. There are reporting functions users can use if they know of blatant misrepresentation (for both people and projects). Legitimacy, competency and reputation for all people and projects can be evidenced and/or developed through their providing regular updates on permaculture work they’re involved in, before/after photographs, etc. A spirit of objective nurturing of both people and projects through knowledge/encouragement/inspiration/resource sharing is the aim of the Worldwide Permaculture Network.



A member is a permaculturist who has never taken a PDC course. These cannot become PDC teachers. Members may be novice or highly experienced permaculturists or anywhere in between. Watch their updates for evaluation.

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One of these badges will show if you select your gender and the "I'm single, looking for a permaculture partner" option in your profile.



People who claim to have taken a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course somewhere in the world.


PDC Verified

People who have entered an email address for the teacher of their PDC course, and have had their PDC status verified by that teacher. Watch their updates for evaluation.



People who’ve taken a Permaculture Research Institute PDC somewhere in the world.


PDC Teacher

People who claim to teach some version of PDC somewhere in the world.


PRI Teacher

With the exception of the ‘Member’ who has never taken a PDC, all of the above can apply to become a PRI PDC Teacher. PRI PDC Teachers are those who the PRI recognise, through a vetting board, as determined and competent to teach the full 72-hour course as developed by Permaculture founder Bill Mollison – covering all the topics of The Designers’ Manual as well as possible (i.e. not cherry picking only aspects the teacher feels most interested or competent in). Such teachers also commit to focussing on the design science, and not including subjective spiritual/metaphysical elements. The reason these items are not included in the PDC curriculum is because they are “belief” based. Permaculture Design education concerns itself with teaching good design based on strategies and techniques which are scientifically provable.

PRI PDC Teachers may be given teaching and/or consultancy offerings as they become available as the network grows.


Aid Worker

The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to be involved in permaculture aid work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture aid worker experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.



The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to do paid permaculture design consultancy work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture consultancy experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.


Community Project

Community projects are projects that help develop sustainable community interaction and increase localised resiliency.

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