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Verity Bachmann 's Profile
Verity Bachmann
Last Updated:
Cape Town, South Africa
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My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)


(projects i'm following)

The Congo Project Klien Karoo Sustainable Dryland Permaculture Project Permaculture Research Institute-Kenya Earth Tribe Trust Zambia Reinventing Roots Zaytuna Farm, The home of the permaculture Research Institute   Jawaseri School Garden Project Zumot (Re)Forestation Project Little Forest Farm Permaculture Al Numeira Environmental Association Saudi Farms Langbos Community Project Greening the Desert Project
Fraser Roberts Hubert de Kalbermatten Jacqueline Edmiston paul barker Rosie Harding
Geoff Lawton Nam-Ha Quach
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About Verity Bachmann

By day I am a teacher at a public school in Cape Town, South Africa.

I grew up in a household where sustainability and environmental issiues were always hot topics of discussion, however, it was only after seeing Geoff Lawton's Greening the Desert-video that I was totally inspired to explore and learn to practice Permaculture.

Through working with inner-city teenagers I constantly become more and more aware of the fact that the basic life skills (like growing your own food or sourcing clean drinking water) our youth needs are NOT being tought in government curriculums all over the world.

My main interest in permaculture is in exploring and (perhaps one day) developing learning programs that are suitable for our national curriculum. I sincerely hope I live to see the day that permaculture - or at least some form of sustainability studies will be compulsury aspects of every school curriculum!


Changing the the system "from the inside" at Parow High School

"Vee voor jou eie deur" - an Afrikaans wordplay meaning to first look at one's own faults before trying to fix others'

Posted almost 12 years ago (0 comments)
My Badges
Aid worker
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Certificate
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: April Sampson-Kelly
Location: South Africa
Date: Jun 2011

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