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Alfred Decker 's Profile
Alfred Decker
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Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
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Permacultura Barcelona

Permacultura Barcelona

Barcelona, ES

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About Alfred Decker

Alfred Decker’s passion in life has been ecological and social justice activism, of which permaculture has played a central part. “I love the natural world, and working with nature through permaculture has helped to ground and sustain me.” Since his first PDC in 1998 in California, Alfred has been involved with social movements and projects throughout Europe and the Americas. He is the founder of the 12 Principles Permaculture Design consultancy, Permacultura Barcelona and the Forest Gardens project at Can Masdeu; is a co-founder of the Spanish Permaculture Academy (Academia de Permacultura Íbera); and was a member of the European Permaculture Teachers Partnership and the Permaculture Council of Europe. Alfred holds a post graduate diploma in sustainable architecture and renewable energy (Centre for Alternative Technology).
After taking a permaculture teachers training with Rosemary Morrow in 2011, he undertook a two year mentorship and later co-taught six courses with her, ultimately earning a Diploma in Permaculture Education & Community Development in 2013 through the Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute (Australia). Committed to furthering the teachers’ training platform “Permaculture Teaching Matters” (PTM) that Rosemary developed in over three decades of teaching experience around the world, Alfred co-edited her forthcoming PTM manual and organised a successful crowdfunding campaign to develop the platform.
Alfred has given courses and talks widely throughout Europe…and is always looking for more opportunities to teach. His native tongue is English, and he speaks passable Spanish and French as well…next language to learn: Catalan!He is available for educational activities, design work and consulting.

Contact: alfred [at] 12pdesign.net

Su pasión es el activismo por la justicia ecología y social en los que la permacultura juega un papel central. "Me encanta la naturaleza, y través de la permacultura estoy haciendo un aprendizaje de como trabajar con ella en vez de en contra…esto me sostiene."
Desde su primer Curso Certificado de Diseño de Permacultura en 1998 en California, ha estado involucrado con los movimientos sociales y proyectos de Europa y América del Norte y Sur. Es iniciador de Permacultura Barcelona (www.permacultura-bcn.org) y del proyecto de Bosques Comestibles de Can Masdeu (www.canmasdeu.net), y era miembro del Permaculture Council of Europe (www.permaculturecouncil.eu) así como el European Permaculture Teachers Partnership (www.permateachers.eu).

En 2013 obtuvo un diploma en Educación y Desarrollo Comunitario de Permacultura (Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute—Australia). Hasta ahora ha enseñado por todos lados en Europa…y esta siempre en busca de más oportunidades para enseñar. Su lengua materna es inglés y habla pasablemente castellano y frances.

Alfred completó recientemente un diploma de postgrado en arquitectura sostenible y las energías renovables (Centro de Tecnología Alternativa). Está disponible para trabajos de consultoría y diseño.

Contacto: alfred (arroba) 12pdesign.net


PDC with Starhawk & Alfred Decker

Posted over 7 years ago (0 comments)

Earth Activist Training in Catalunya, Spain, August 2015

A Permaculture Design Certificate Course with a grounding in spirit and a focus on organising and activism

Posted over 9 years ago (0 comments)

Permaculture Gardening Intensive @ Villa Maria (Barcelona), June 28 & 29, 2014

DEVELOPING TRULY SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS…Permaculture is aboutsolutions to problems: environmental, economic and social. In this weekend course you will learn how to design a garden for sustainability using permaculture principles. Whether you have a balcony,

Posted over 10 years ago (0 comments)

Permaculture, Nature Connection & Deep Ecology at Ecodharma (Catalan Pyrenees, Spain), September 6-13 2014, with Alfred Decker and Guhyapati

This course explores both the practical wisdom and the theoretical underpinnings of a shift to a life-sustaining future – set within a framework of nature and dharma based learning. It draws together the practical wisdom of permaculture design, experienti

Posted over 10 years ago (0 comments)

Permaculturalist Paulo Mellett in Need of our thoughts at this moment...

There is a very special and inspiring permaculture activist, Paulo Mellett, who we need to keep in our thoughts these days. He is in a very critical state in intensive care in Brasil after having undergone simultaneous malaria and appendicitis last week a

Posted over 10 years ago (3 comments)

Permaculture Design Course – Vale dos Coiços (Portugal), 11-23 June

This will be an awesome PDC!

Posted over 10 years ago (0 comments)

Permaculture Design Course at EcoDharma (Catalan Pyrenees), July 5-19, 2014

I'm happy to co-teach this PDC with Caspar Brown and Grace Mckeown in a wild mountain valley at a project that is consistant with the values of permaculture. Come on down!

Posted over 10 years ago (0 comments)

One place just opened up in a Rosemary Morrow Teachers Training in France, 4-9 November

I just received a message from the organiser of this course that there is a place available. If anyone is interested, or if you know of anyone, please let me know ASAP, thanks!

Posted almost 11 years ago (0 comments)
My Badges
Consultant Aid worker Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Penny Livingston-Stark
Other Teachers: Brock Dolman
Location: Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, California
Date: Feb 1998
Other course verified
Permaculture Teacher's Training
Type: Teacher Training
Teacher: Rowe Morrow
Location: Stainz, Austria
Date: Jul 2011
Other course unverified
Permaculture Teacher's Training
Type: Teacher Training
Teacher: Rowe Morrow
Location: Vale de Lama, Portugal
Date: Apr 2012
Other course unverified
Diploma: Education & Community Development
Type: Permaculture Diploma
Teacher: Rosemary Morrow
Location: Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute
Date: Jul 2011
7 PDC Graduates (list)
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list)
16 Other Course Graduates (list)
have acknowledged being taught by Alfred Decker
0 have not yet been verified (list)
Climate Zones
Alfred Decker has permaculture experience in:
Cool Temperate
Semi Arid

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