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Last updated:
Podoli 3, Bouzov, Moravia, CZ
Climate zone:
Cool Temperate

Christian Douglas Cynthia Akers David  n Abigail Diane Faye Faan Rossouw Fiona Cruz Gladys Olson Hannes Dettmann Harold Hutchins IrvingCole IrvingCole Jakub Trncak Juraj Marcek Klaus Himmel Marc Van Hummelen nicolas makelberge Pereda Esther Rae Fuller Ramirez Epling Stephanie Ladwig-Cooper Tom Baldwin Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes
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Project Type

Rural, Residential, Commercial, Demonstration, Educational, Political

Project Summary

PermaLot's Mission Statement PermaLot seek to recreate the sustainability of the existing traditional rural region surrounding Bouzov, by facilitating an alternative economic base for the area while providing a living example of sustainable living, natural building, alternative energy and waste management; an Ecovillage. This vision is based on the following core elements: * To stimulate the final processing of local products within the microregion * To facilitate alternative education, with an emphasis on the environment and language * Low impact Ecotourism The following Permaculture elements will be used as a guide: 1. Create systems that produce more than they use. 2. Work with nature, not against it. 3. Cooperation rather than competition.

Project Description


PermaLot was established as a Czech civic association in the year 2000. In 2001 we purchased 10 hectares of forest, meadows, fields and orchards which we are converted to certified organic and managed following permaculture principles. In 2005 we started managing additional 7,5 hectares of fields in a nearby village, where two central volunteers bought an old run-down farm, and rent out facilities to PermaLot. A majority of our activites are of an information/educational, political and networking scope. It basically all started with 'just a dream', however:


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe/David Brower


The 10 year development (Written March 2011) has led to the following tangible results:

-A loose network of 4 organic farmers managing the total of 17, 5 hectares. Some are managed as multi-functional orchard with crops growing between the rows of newly planted old varities of frut and nut trees, others for Bio-Dynamic vegetables, some for pasture of sheep and pony, central is the focus on bio-diversity and adaptation of permaculture principles to EU agro-subsidies and significantly: Ensuring adaptation of the funding schemes to allow for permaculture farming.

-A small certified commercial kitchen incubator for production of final products such as jam, spreads and breads.

-A micro organic shop (5m2)

-A mobile juice/pasteurizing set-up, allowing us to finalize our products and make 'juice in a box' for the locals from their own fruit.

-A rustic camp site for 35 people with 4 tee-pee's and 2 large tents, toilets, solar showers, drinking water etc.

-A series of various equipment to handle both the agriculture work, the building and the administrative work

-A daycare based on forest kindergarten and Waldorf pedagogic, including a straw bale cottage

...And we're quite close to opening:

-A demonstration straw bale house for natural building and renewable energy.

-An free-time educational center


But all of this you can read more about on www.permalot.org



Plant guild weekend workshop

Teaching, designing and planting plant guilds into German mound-swales during a weekend course at PermaLot

Posted over 13 years ago (1 comments)

Spring in PermaLot

Chicken workers, foal, old variety red spelt, EU agro subsidies for extensive orchard, forest kindergarten and, and, and....

Posted over 13 years ago (0 comments)

Permaculture design of a life after Peak oil and financial collapse

Talks and intensive weekend workshop with Nicole 'Stoneleigh' Foss, Roel Illargi and Max Vittrup Jensen Permaculture design of a life after Peak oil and financial collapse.

Posted over 13 years ago (6 comments)
Courses Taught Here!
Project Badges
Rural Residential Commercial Demonstration Educational Political
Max Vittrup Jensen - Admin
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Note: The various badges displayed in people profiles are largely honesty-based self-proclamations by the individuals themselves. There are reporting functions users can use if they know of blatant misrepresentation (for both people and projects). Legitimacy, competency and reputation for all people and projects can be evidenced and/or developed through their providing regular updates on permaculture work they’re involved in, before/after photographs, etc. A spirit of objective nurturing of both people and projects through knowledge/encouragement/inspiration/resource sharing is the aim of the Worldwide Permaculture Network.



A member is a permaculturist who has never taken a PDC course. These cannot become PDC teachers. Members may be novice or highly experienced permaculturists or anywhere in between. Watch their updates for evaluation.

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Permaculture Matchmaker

One of these badges will show if you select your gender and the "I'm single, looking for a permaculture partner" option in your profile.



People who claim to have taken a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course somewhere in the world.


PDC Verified

People who have entered an email address for the teacher of their PDC course, and have had their PDC status verified by that teacher. Watch their updates for evaluation.



People who’ve taken a Permaculture Research Institute PDC somewhere in the world.


PDC Teacher

People who claim to teach some version of PDC somewhere in the world.


PRI Teacher

With the exception of the ‘Member’ who has never taken a PDC, all of the above can apply to become a PRI PDC Teacher. PRI PDC Teachers are those who the PRI recognise, through a vetting board, as determined and competent to teach the full 72-hour course as developed by Permaculture founder Bill Mollison – covering all the topics of The Designers’ Manual as well as possible (i.e. not cherry picking only aspects the teacher feels most interested or competent in). Such teachers also commit to focussing on the design science, and not including subjective spiritual/metaphysical elements. The reason these items are not included in the PDC curriculum is because they are “belief” based. Permaculture Design education concerns itself with teaching good design based on strategies and techniques which are scientifically provable.

PRI PDC Teachers may be given teaching and/or consultancy offerings as they become available as the network grows.


Aid Worker

The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to be involved in permaculture aid work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture aid worker experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.



The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to do paid permaculture design consultancy work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture consultancy experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.


Community Project

Community projects are projects that help develop sustainable community interaction and increase localised resiliency.