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Posted by Kevin Longeway almost 14 years ago
So my parents and I have bought the BCS-732 2 wheel tractor with the rotary plow attachment that Rob told me about. I pick it up saturday to take out to the farm.
I am excited to try it out for turning lawns and corrals into garden beds, which will be mostly about prepping them this year. I plan to buy the low cost compost from the mushroom factory by airdrie and cover crop them with nitrogen fixing plants that I will chop n drop. The compost is $10 a pickup truck load and worked really well last year for our main garden.
I also will be setting up a compost pile on the farm to collect grass, leaves and food wastes so that I can phase our the compost from the mushroom factory as the labour to shovel it in truck and drive to get it adds to the effort of its use.
I will be reading more on Doug Weatherbee (the Soil Doctor) to do some testing next spring with fungal vs bacteria enhanced compost tea on the different garden areas.
The tractor will also be used to dig swales in the 2 zones for phase 1 shelterbelt/orchard planting for next spring.
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PDC course |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Teacher: Rob Avis |
Location: Calgary, Alberta |
Date: Mar 2011 |