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Earthway Experience Permaculture Center
Earthway Experience Permaculture Center
Last updated:
Leksand, Sweden & Somartin, Romania, n/a, SE
Climate zone:
Cold Temperate

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Earthway Experience Permaculture Center

Earthway Experience Permaculture Center

Leksand, Sweden & Somartin, Romania, SE

Angelika Fijalkowska Anne Kulasi Dan West Helder Valente Ingemar Nilsson Joshua Finch Konstantin Vinokurov Lars Vassenden Luis Curti Melisa Özdilek Mörður Gunnarsson Ottesen Mustafa Fatih Bakir Richard Larson Samuel Lauwers Tom Kendall Ulrika Landin Ute Bohnsack

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Nordic Permaculture Association

Project: Earthway Experience Permaculture Center

Posted by Kevin Jarvis almost 11 years ago

Nordic Permaculture Association

I hope you don't mind hearing MY opinion of the Permaculture Association here in Sweden and the Nordic countries...

If I understand correctly Bill Mollison wanted the PDC to be a sort of stepping stone...to help make our planet and our food better. After I , for example, got my PDC and then some experience with permaculture - His idea was that I could then teach to raise a little money...to put that money into my permaculture system.

But I see there are so many are trying to make it a business and here in the Nordic Countries to restrict those who can or can't teach.
They are making it next to impossible to get a "diploma". Up until just receintlye ther was not even a printed method on how to apply or even qualify for a diploma.

One of the problems here in the far north is the attitude that one should be "over taught". This is not something I have made up, but an actualy printed policy of Sweden. The education system is designed to "over teach" ...in theory a good though...but in practice it becomes very cumbersome.

The few diplomed teachers in Sweden and Denmark are trying to keep "Permaculture" to themselves. The Swedish Permaculture Association wont even list my project on their website...but have the board of directors projects listed.

I am very excited about Permaculture and what it can do - my project now is  almost 6 years old. The results are amazing. But I am not allowed to share this with others here in the Nordic Countries.

Comments (3)

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Richard Larson
Richard Larson : That was fun! I don't like those Swedish overlords though.
Posted almost 11 years ago

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Sarvesvara Dasa
Sarvesvara Dasa : Nice to know about the invisible elements ;)
Posted almost 11 years ago

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Frank Gonzalez
Frank Gonzalez : Very nice experience to see your permacultural work in this video and too bad for those monopolist of the knowledge... Congratulations and best of lucks!
Posted almost 11 years ago

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