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Ognen Onchevski
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Skopje, Macedonia, Republic of
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate
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Sermenin Educational & Research Center for Permaculture
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My home garden

Posted by Ognen Onchevski about 11 years ago

After two years of experimenting and gaining experience in permaculture, finally my garden start to look like small abundant and diverse paradise.A lot of things need to be done but I think I have the main elements at position and connected.


It past two yars since I took my PRI PDC with Jeff and Bill in Istanbul, and they were right, permaculture is a virus.This infection meakes you wanna keep going and keep doing. So finally after two years of excesirse and experinmenting in my home garden design started to look like is going in abundance and divesity.

In the sunny side(east ,south-east, south) of the yard I set the vegetable garden and a small fish pond,because the summer are very warm with avarage temeperatures of 35 celsius the garden and the pond are very light shaded from fruit trees.And in the more shady parts I set the wormtub and the compost heap.

My garden is not big, it has four 4 meters long raised beds.It doesen't provide me a year round yeild of vegetables, but all around the summer I eat very delicous tommatoes,cucambers,pepers,zukini,okra,patatoes,onion,garlic etc. Around the vegis there are bunch of herbs and spices suporting the vegies. There are basil,anis,mint,spearmint,calendula,marigold and other native herbs.

The most productiv and diverse part of my garden are the fruit trees.The are raspberies and chokberries in the understory leyer, grape and kiwi on trailes and cheries,figs,apricots,peaches, plums and kaki makes the climax leyer.Lemon trees are in pots.

Still, there are few things to be done in future time.For the next season my plan is to the use the balcony more productivly and to set up a glasshouse that will longer the growing sason. 



Dsc 0018 Dsc 0020 Dsc 0021 Dsc 0023 Dsc 0039 Dsc 0045 Dsc 0026 Dsc 0025 Dsc 0044 Dsc 0040 Dsc 0047

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Consultant Aid worker Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Pri verified
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton
Other Teachers: Bill Molison
Location: Istanbul,Turkey
Date: Dec 2010
Other course unverified
Professional Training In Water Retention Landscaping
Type: Earthworks
Verifying teacher: Bernd Müller
Other Teachers: Christoph Ulbig
Location: Tamera,Portugal
Date: Sep 2013
Other course verified
Permaculture Teacher Training
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: George Sobol
Other Teachers: Rakesh Rootsman Rak
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Date: Feb 2015
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Climate Zones
Ognen Onchevski has permaculture experience in:
Warm Temperate

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