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Clea Chandmal
Last Updated:
Valpoi, Goa, India
Climate Zone:
Wet/Dry Tropical

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Food forest in Goa

Posted by Clea Chandmal over 13 years ago

some pictures of the food forest and how i live on the farm

In the food forest here, all soil is held in place and fertility enhanced by a biodiverse ground cover that includes two varieties of legumes. we do not weed. Weeds include medicinal bhrami, nitrogen fixing mimosa and fern.

Several chicken roam free in here. Not only do they add to fertility but also catch and eat small snakes!.

All leaf litter is left to decompose. All edges of terraces/swale mounds are planted with fibrous rooted  plants  - either vetiver, pineapple, pandanas (in the shade) or fodder grass (sunny positions)  to prevent collapse.

The shrublayer is cardamon, ginger, galangal and patchouli mainly, together with young spice trees such as cinamon, mace and clove.

The next layer is banana, citruses and guava. The canopy is mango, coconut and areca nut. On the stems of the canopy trees grow vanilla, peppercorn and /or passion fruit.

A biodiverse live mulch and canopy cover allows the soil to stay moist condusive for beneficial soil bourne organisms. In addition, roots prevent soil compactation and fallen leaves add to fertility when they rot.

Biodiversity here ensures various root depths and root architecture.  This samples and brings nutrients from different soil strata to the canopy. Thus, when leaves and fruit fall and rot, in addition to the specific nutrient composition of  the leaves and fruit themselves (of each species) the topsoil gains minerals from the various levels of soil. In this way, the nutrient composotion of the top soil gets only better year after year.

Not only does a polyculture reduce the spread of pathogenic organisms (by being low in the number of suseptible individuals)  it also provides a wide nutrient soil composition which  increases plant resistance to pathogen attack. Further,  the several active beneficial soil organisms in a soil covered with a live mulch outcompetes pathogenic organisms.

We also have several raised bed vegetable patches. Vegetables are also grown in succesion in the Fukuoka way of harvesting one as the other grows in the same space. This saves a lot of water, time and space.

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Comments (7)

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Mark Brown
Mark Brown : wow I wish you well for the future.
Posted over 13 years ago

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Bjorn Bertelsen
Bjorn Bertelsen : Great work clea!
Posted over 13 years ago

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Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes
Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes : Your office looks beautiful Clea! Parabens!
Posted over 13 years ago

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Carly Gillham
Carly Gillham : I would love to visit this in person! Such a beautiful description of how everything works together :) Thank you so much for sharing!
Posted over 13 years ago

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Erle Rahaman-Noronha
Erle Rahaman-Noronha : great project. my grandparest lived in goa in aldona...i havent been there in about 25 years...i like what you are doing. i runa permaculture project in trinidad...its nice seeing simar plants being used..our climate here is just like goa
Posted over 13 years ago

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Lakshmi devi Nair
Lakshmi devi Nair : Hi, lovely to read about your work. Would like to be in touch as we are setting up a small commune in Wayanad Kerala.The vegetation is very similar. Can i get your contact details. Thank you.
Posted almost 12 years ago

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Jana  Hammonds-Jennings
Jana Hammonds-Jennings : Wow, this is awesome from bare land beginnings. Is this possible in an arid area?
Posted over 11 years ago

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PDC course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton
Other Teachers: Bill Mollison, Greg Knibbs
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Date: Sep 2008

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