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Christopher Darker
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The curse of grid feed solar !

Posted by Christopher Darker about 13 years ago

Grid feed solar is a technical and political "simplism" .

Grid feed solar is a technical and political "simplism" that has doomed genuine and sustainable solar energy advancement for decades ! This fact is well known by the energy establishment that promotes it.  Greed feed solar creates no renewable base load capacity, and encourages no reduction in consumption . On these two points grid feed solar is impotent and useless !  Consumers are not used to the idea of storing energy on site, but ultimatley they will, for it is the future, as energy networks economise and decentralise.  At the PRI of Australia we have developed and proven the mechanism by which this may be accomplished at economic cost. The Automatic Change Over Contactor , ( A.C.O.C ) which dramatically reduces the size of the energy storage unit, ( battery ) and delivers the best of both worlds, stable and continuous solar energy to critical appliances and back up mains supply for refrigeration and other loads in bad weather. If you want to make a real difference DO NOT feed valuable and precious renewable resources into what is nothing more than a common drain, that sidelines any real progress and falls into the hands of those who conspire against us, with their pathetic political mechanisms .

A.c.o.c.1 A.megaawitch Classic%20example.%20g.s.s

Comments (10)

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Mike Wood
Mike Wood : The main reason I don't like grid-tie solar is that when the grid goes down, you can't even use your own power, so you've got no backup.

Its only benefit, really, is saving money on the electric bill.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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harald wedig
harald wedig : Well, i see it differently. Grid feed solar is certainly not the end of energy use evolution but it is an important step away from nuclear energy production with all its implications. Germany would not be able to step out of nuke technology in as short time a 10 years without it. ( @ Mike:) In my house I can switch from grid feed to home use if I need to. I love the benefit of earning money isted of paying the electric bill and beeing part of an energetical change on national level. ( 7000 KW/h per year, thats my part, using only half of it for ourselfs)
Posted almost 13 years ago

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Danial Lawton
Danial Lawton : The problem with grid feed is it only provides power to the grid in daylight hours if your inputs are solar only and the majority of power use is after dark peak load. now national grids do not have storage and must be big enough to handle peak loads. so if you are not affecting peak loads with a grid feed system then you are pouring energy into a system which already has to much so it is just a waste like pouring it down the drain. all you are doing is saving money and raising the electricity costs for others. The cost to provide power is based on peak load and if you are not affecting it then peak load says the same but you are not paying for your power then the costs are passed on to others more quickly inflating the cost of power.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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harald wedig
harald wedig : Why should there be only solar power input, Danial? We have wind-( a lot), hydro power and lets say in ten years no more nuke, oil-, gas-, and coal power, true. Also sustainable woodcombustion power ist beeing established decentralized all over the country. Pumped storage hydro power stations store surplus energy of wind and sun. So far people have been told to consume more (!) electricity in the nightime, this is now obsolet. Nevertheless, efforts to lower power consumption generally are beeing made on all levels of society( by far not as fast as we want). Solar energy feed for the grid makes power more expensive for many more reasons as the mentioned ones. But that is can be seen a desirable effekt. Higher prices will dampen the consumption. People are beeing encouraged to use more enegie efficient equipment and processes. There would be no possible way in Germany to get away from fossile and nuke energy without feeding the grid with solar energy too. I wonder what your plans are to manage the energy problem on national level, tell me good news, people can earn a fortune here with effective and sustainable ideas concerning this question.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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Danial Lawton
Danial Lawton : There does not need to be just solar but here that is what people are doing. That is why i have said IF the inputs are only solar. Here in Australia there are not many more inputs into the grid other than solar and some wind for none commercial. Here we generally do not have a power problem just a peak power problem. There needs to be a variety like you have mentioned. The solution is decentralized power storage hydro storage is the best if you can do this like you have mentioned. But decentralization of storage and a diverse power supply are what is need, there is more strength in a large number of small sticks the one big one.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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harald wedig
harald wedig : I understand, Daniel, then it seems to be less the problem of grid feed and/or of solar electricity production than the problem of missing storage capacity and missing redundant renewable energy sources ( hydro, wind etc.) So what then after all is bad about feeding the grid with solar produced electricity? Its just the beginning not the end of a new, sustainable electricity production. I could see as a solution, that as solar power eletricity production is decetralized, which is good, electricity storage could be decentralized too, which is even better. You can store your electricity in your own batteries ( that are good to have anyway in case the grid goes down, Mike). Then when the power´s needed you feed it into the grid. Christophers A.C.O.C. seems to be the right tool to handle that without beeing at home, do I have that right? If so, I want to have one of these:-)
Posted almost 13 years ago

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Danial Lawton
Danial Lawton : Yes chris's system does not feed into the grid but uses a battery storage system but takes out the risk of long days of no power inputs it Will then flip to take power from the grid which general happens late at night when the power load on the grid is low. Chris's systems Will be on the pri website soon
Posted almost 13 years ago

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harald wedig
harald wedig : Let me get that right, you take power from the grid when the grid is low? In my world we FEED the grid when the grid is low . All I need to do so is a storage capacity that brings our household safely through the night (not much consumption then anyway)plus extra capacity to be able to sell some of yesterdays sunshine for a good price ( which pays back my investments for the extra storage). Might be you guys have to fight politically against nuke an coal (or whatever fossile you are burning) power industrie, but the fight has to be fought.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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Danial Lawton
Danial Lawton : Yes we have t fight. It is not when the grid is low, you take from the grid. You take from the grid when your battery storage is low.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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