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Filipa Santos 's Profile
Filipa Santos
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Fojo, Leiria, Portugal
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Internatinal permaculture research centre Quinta dos Melros O FOJO Permaculture | Integral Education Center
Ângela Gonçalves Claudian Dobos Eden Gal Francisco Amaral Gabriel Sandu Gonçalo Pais Hubert de Kalbermatten João Gonçalves Jon Holland Kathleen McCann Miguel Ângelo Leal Paulo Bessa Pedro Serpa Pedro Serpa Vimal Desai
Bruno Tambellini Christopher Paul Ripley Claudian Dobos Filipa Simoes Geoff Lawton Gonçalo Pais João Mineiro Joao Carlos Leitao Jorge Crespo Juliano Riciardi Lesley Anne Martin Luis Silva Maurício Umann Tiago Lucena Tina Lymberis

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New EVENT : Permaculture Internship Two Moons at O Fojo

Posted by Filipa Santos almost 13 years ago

To whom is it dedicated? The Permaculture Internships Two Moons at O FOJO are opened to those that have attended apermaculture PDC (Permaculture Design Course Certificated) and pretend to experience and todevelop a Permaculture Experience in Community, in

Permaculture Internship Two Moons at O Fojo

Webpage: www.o-fojo.blogspot.com

Instructor Name: 
Maurício Umann, Filipa Santos

Instructor's website: 

Location: Fojo, Almoster, Portugal

Start Date / End Date: 
8th March to 5th May, 2012 

Tuition: 380 € (living in Portugal), 480€ (foreign participants)

Post Title: 
Permaculture Internship Two Moons at O Fojo 
Post Text: To whom is it dedicated?The Permaculture Internships Two Moons at O FOJO are opened to those that have attended apermaculture PDC (Permaculture Design Course Certificated) and pretend to experience and todevelop a Permaculture Experience in Community, in the real world, at O Fojo.
Objectives:To create a space / time suitable for daily living in a Permaculture project underimplementation in the sense of personal development through practical learning and life in arural area, connected to nature;To develop the ability to experience in practical and accompanied way, the experience inPermaculture, demystifying fears and anxieties;To set your own goals for the internship period and to develop an appropriate design toachieve them;To develop personal and group projects at O Fojo, in all it’s stages: observation, planning,implementation and evaluation and, when necessary, their re-design;To develop self-organization, self-determination, self-regulation and performing daily self-evaluation in all steps of the development,To develop “Personal Design" on your way while Permaculturists.
Image or Flyer ( 2MB limit ): see attachment

Event Phone: 00351912443597

Event Email: info.fojo@gmail.com

Event Link: 

Cartaz%20est%c3%a1gios%20n'o%20fojo grande eng

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