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Posted by Filipa Santos almost 13 years ago
Permaculture Internship Two Moons at O Fojo
Webpage: www.o-fojo.blogspot.
Instructor Name: Maurício Umann, Filipa Santos
Instructor's website: www.o-fojo.blogspot.
Location: Fojo, Almoster, Portugal
Start Date / End Date: 8th March to 5th May, 2012
Tuition: 380 € (living in Portugal), 480€ (foreign participants)
Post Title: Permaculture Internship Two Moons at O Fojo
Post Text: To whom is it dedicated?The Permaculture Internships Two Moons at O FOJO are opened to those that have attended apermaculture PDC (Permaculture Design Course Certificated) and pretend to experience and todevelop a Permaculture Experience in Community, in the real world, at O Fojo.
Objectives:To create a space / time suitable for daily living in a Permaculture project underimplementation in the sense of personal development through practical learning and life in arural area, connected to nature;To develop the ability to experience in practical and accompanied way, the experience inPermaculture, demystifying fears and anxieties;To set your own goals for the internship period and to develop an appropriate design toachieve them;To develop personal and group projects at O Fojo, in all it’s stages: observation, planning,implementation and evaluation and, when necessary, their re-design;To develop self-organization, self-determination, self-regulation and performing daily self-evaluation in all steps of the development,To develop “Personal Design" on your way while Permaculturists.
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Event Phone: 00351912443597
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