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Timothy Bayer 's Profile
Timothy Bayer
Last Updated:
South Bend, IN, United States
Climate Zone:
Cold Temperate

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Saint Thomas House

South Bend, US


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Restful Trails Food Forest Gardens Rustling Knapweed Forest Garden Traverse City Permaculture Design Project Green Road Permaculture Bloomington Permaculture Guild Sheltering Hills Design Renaissance Polyculture Transition Bloomington Local Growers Guild Permaculture and Resilience Initiative - Detroit
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"Ecological Income"

Posted by Timothy Bayer about 14 years ago

Moving toward a "Right Livelihood" for me has been a transition of sorts. It began with waking up to the destruction caused by our current system, then realizing how utterly dependent I am on this system to meet my everyday needs.

The picture at the bottom is an illustration of how my mind works now that I have been infected with the "permaculture bug."  It's a picture of how I want my life to be designed.  Click on it to enlarge.  Every morning when I wake up, I can choose any of those bubbles, and I will be moving toward my dreams.  Each one is connected to the others in more ways than the arrows can show, and every day brings us more in line with this picture.  

Two and a half years ago, I was selling life insurance and investments, living a one -dimensional (linear) lifestyle, completely married to "the system."  It is amazing how quickly we have gone from that lifestyle to the one we now embrace.  It certainly has been a journey, and we are not yet where we want to be, but I am realizing more and more that we will never be where we want to be.  Life is this amazing journey, and if we don't learn to be content in the journey, we will never be content.  

"Here is a test to find if your mission on earth is finished:  if you're alive, it isn't."  ~Richard Bach 

Here's to the journey toward an ecological income!





Comments (1)

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Deaf Monche
Deaf Monche : This is some reason why western cultures are enormous styles and deep weight qualities. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. félicitations à vous
Posted 10 months ago

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Consultant Aid worker
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Wayne Weiseman
Location: Columbiaville, MI
Date: Aug 2010

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