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Sara Wuerstle 's Profile
Sara Wuerstle
Last Updated:
Pennsylvania, United States
Climate Zone:
Cool Temperate

My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)

Quinta do Luzio

Quinta do Luzio

Janas, PT

Adam McShane Anne-Kathrine Madsen Cat Richards Dalia Sendra Rodriguez Doug Crouch Dragan Šprem francine chanover Grifen Hope Hazel Tsai Hubert de Kalbermatten João Gonçalves Kristen Jas Vietty Laura Pfeffer Margarida Figueiredo (Margot) Mihaela Tsarchinska Robert Meyer Sakina Grome
Geoff Lawton
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About Sara Wuerstle

With over a decade of experience working in Permaculture internationally and over 50 designs implemented, I have developed a highly integrated understanding of regenerative land development at any scale. I have worked internationally for the greater part of my career, building and fine-tuning the ability to think, create and act in a truly holistic and innovative manner. As Lead Designer for a California Bay Area based design and installation firm, I was able to not only design but direct implementation to ensure accuracy, monitoring and long-term success. Many of my innovative designs have disproved conventional approaches and act as models for the validity and value of Permaculture.
I am always finding ways to expand my skills and knowledge. For the past several years, I have been collaborating on an extensive Permaculture research project with Euince Neves which investiagtes mature Permaculture sites and unearths what makes them successful. The resulting research materials will help the next generation of Permaculturalist to fast track their actions in the face of climate change. Together, we have create an enterprise called GUILDA Permaculture as a venue for delivery of this research as well as offering Permaculture design, consultancy and education.
To gain this design acuity, I spent many years studying and working internationally with the leading practitioners in the field as well as farmers and growers, while teaching and supporting dozens of PDC courses, workshopes and trainings worldwide. As a consultant and designer, I have collaborated on numerous international development projects in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. I have also lived as part of numerous intentional communities and education centers throughout the world. I am most inspired when people savor the nutritious, delicious, and beautiful food that come only from a healthy ecosystem. In all of these endeavors, my unique sense of style and aesthetic as an artist is ever-present.


Permaculture Design Course (PDC) in Évora, Portugal, 1 -14 September 2019.

GUILDA Permaculture (Eunice Neves & Sara Wuerstle) will offer a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) in Évora, Portugal, 1 -14 September 2019.

Posted over 5 years ago (0 comments)

Permaculture in Patagonia

PERMACULTURE IN PATAGONIA...what could be more amazing! TreeYo Permaculture and Estancia Ranquilco are offering a 16-Day Permaculture Design Certification Course (Nov. 15 - Dec. 1, 2011) as well as an 8-week Permaculture Certification Internship (Jan. 3

Posted about 13 years ago (3 comments)
My Badges
Consultant Aid worker Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Pri verified
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Geoff Lawton
Other Teachers: Robyn Francis
Location: Rainbow Valley Farm, Matakana, New Zealand
Date: Feb 2008
Other course unverified
Permaculture Aid Worker Training Course
Type: Aid Worker
Teacher: Rosemary Morrow
Location: PRI, The Channon, NSW, Australia
Date: Nov 2008
Other course verified
Regenerative Design Institute Internship
Type: Internship
Teacher: Penny Livingston Stark
Location: Regenerative Design Institute, Bolinas, California
Date: Apr 2008
Other course verified
PRI Farm Crew
Type: Internship
Teacher: Geoff Lawton
Location: PRI, The Channon, NSW, Australia
Date: Oct 2008
Other course unverified
Natural Building Apprenticeship
Type: Internship
Verifying teacher: Robina McCurdy
Other Teachers: Huckleberry Leonard, Verena Maeder
Location: Tui Community, Golden Bay, New Zealand
Date: Dec 2007
Other course unverified
Type: Internship
Verifying teacher: Brock Dolman
Other Teachers: Kendall Dunnigan
Location: Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, Occidental, California, US
Date: Apr 2009
Other course verified
Holistic Resource Management
Type: Gardening
Teacher: Kirk Gadzia
Location: Orella Ranch, Gaviota, California, US
Date: Nov 2009
Other course verified
Soil Building and Water Management Systems
Type: Earthworks
Verifying teacher: Darren J. Doherty
Other Teachers: Penny Livingston Stark
Location: The Grange Hall, Aromas, California, US
Date: Nov 2009
4 PDC Graduates (list)
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list)
0 Other Course Graduates (list)
have acknowledged being taught by Sara Wuerstle
0 have not yet been verified (list)
Climate Zones
Sara Wuerstle has permaculture experience in:
Cold Temperate
Cool Temperate
Warm Temperate
Semi Arid

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