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Kelly Brown 's Profile
Kelly Brown
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Huntsville, AL, United States
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate

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Laughing Bird Farm

Summertown, US


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Good News and Bad

Posted by Kelly Brown about 14 years ago

Hungry deer, engine trouble, and a great view.

The first project on the list this Sunday was to move the Big Blue Bus to its final home. We've been working to set up the bus as a camper to use while building the house. After the house is built we'll convert it to a workshop. We'd decided we want to move her to what will eventually be the backyard of the house. Unfortunately, Big Blue was not feeling very cooperative. The engine starts and idles fine, but the wheels don't seem to be getting the message. Neither I nor my partner are at all automotively inclined, so for now the Big Blue Bus is staying put. On to the next project...


We brought daffodil bulbs to plant around the fruit trees that were planted last week. Daffodils are resistant to deer, and help to repel moles, voles and other hungry digging critters that might want to snack on baby tree roots. Almost all of our trees that have been planted thus far are gaurded, but when we planted the fruit trees we realized that our gaurds were not large enough for them. So we left them ungaurded, without much worry since the deer haven't bothered any of the other trees, even when the gaurds were blown off. We decided we would get some larger gaurds when we had a chance. Apparently we underestimated the deer's liking for apples. While the cherry and fig trees were untouched, both apples are now about half the size they were when we last saw them. On the upside, both trees still have several buds and may yet pull through. Also, thanks to the trim, they now fit nicely in the small tree gaurds we had on hand.


Our last project of the day was definately the most rewarding. We have now sited and laid out the location of our new home! The house will face SouthEast and we will have a great view of the orchard and flower garden out the south windows and a view of the pond from the east. The house will be built in two stages, hopefully we will be starting stage one in a couple of weeks!



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My Permaculture Qualifications
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Patricia Allison
Other Teachers: Chuck Marsh
Location: Black Mountain, NC
Date: Jul 2006

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