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Carrie Jones
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Boise, ID, United States
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Uluwehi Farm and Nursery
Aida Mathes Alex Kruger Ben Falk David Dahlsrud Eden Gal Kyle Chamberlain Michael Higginson Tim Auld Tom Baldwin Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes Zeljko Serdar
Alex Kruger andy macey Ben Falk Eden Gal Geoff Lawton Kyle Chamberlain Malia Akutagawa Tim Auld Tom Baldwin Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes

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At the top of the roller coaster...

Posted by Carrie Jones about 14 years ago

At the the top of the roller coaster looking ahead into a whole new growing season, yikes!!!

I am headed into my second season running my own small farm. This wonderful little farm is home to myself, my four (!) room mates, one old dog, five chickens, two pregnant goats, hundreds of quail and lots of plants, trees, weeds, etc.

I am really seeking better ways of doing things than busting my body for the rest of my life, and begging people to buy one head of lettuce, one bunch of carrots... One thing I have done in that direction was to invite my neighbors and family members (much of my family does live in the neighborhood) over for tea and to ask them what they might like me to grow or raise for them. Everyone wants broiler chickens and goat milk, some of them want veggies. Some of them want pork, raspberries, winter squash, asparagus... They all grow their own gardens. I am very excited about this.

It is, of course, an experiment (isn't everything?). I want to see how it evolves with me and my partner raising and growing the plants and animals we want to raise and grow, and my neighbors having the opportunity to really be part of the farm and get what they want. Plus if your neighbors want pork they are much less likely to complain about the pigs!! The myth I have heard about the first CSAs is that they were much more collaborative, involving input from the neighbors, and details about the needs of the farmer so that food and money exchanges were based on that local reality. Whether or not that is true I like it. I am dreaming of a tiny foodshed here where I can make a living, we can all eat well, and the land will be well tended.

Let the roller coaster ride begin!!!!

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Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes
Vanessa Monge Augusto Fernandes : It's a beautiful dream,I hope turns to reality,looking forward to your updates!!!
Posted about 14 years ago

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My Permaculture Qualifications
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Marc Tobin
Location: Lost Valley Educational Center, Oregon, USA
Date: Jan 2006

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