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Permaculture garden in Deurne
Permaculture garden in Deurne
Last updated:
Antwerp / Deurne, BE
Climate zone:
Cool Temperate

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Permaculture garden in Deurne

Permaculture garden in Deurne

Antwerp / Deurne, BE

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Project: Permaculture garden in Deurne

Posted by Maaike Mussche almost 13 years ago

We have chickens now!

Finally we have chickens!
Even when you are trying very hard to not have to throw food away you do have some leftovers sometimes so I'm very happy the hens can transform them into eggs now. They can also make my compost-heap seed-free, on the photos you ca see I put it inside the coop. I also plan to let them clean up the vegetable garden in autumn, but for that I still have to make a little mobile coop.
Unfortunatly I can't let them run free because I can't risk them going in the neighbours tidy gardens. Also for the neighbours it is not possible to keep a rooster which is a pity but that are the disadvantages of an urban environment that has not yet woken up to home-foodproduction. First I will let them get used to the sight of herbs and fruit trees in the front garden.

Here are some photos.
I got the hen house of a friend who didn't use it anymore.
We called the hens Mieke and Leen.

P4060014 P3120023 P4060015 P4060020 P4060016

Comments (2)

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Marc Van Hummelen
Marc Van Hummelen : Great Maaike! Good luck with them. No problem with foxes? I'm going to buy some runner ducks soon. I desperately need an animal that can eat slugs. I can't grow anything here, not any kind of herb or vegetable. The slugs even eat my potatoes and jerusalem artichokes. The problem here with keeping poultry is that darned fox. I have to build a fortress around my birds to keep them alive. The good thing about runner ducks is that they lay a lot of eggs, can't fly, don't need a large surface of water and are very docile. I suppose, as you've given your chickens a name, that you're not going to eat them later on?...
Posted almost 13 years ago

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Maaike Mussche
Maaike Mussche : I haven't seen any foxes here yet though we really are on the edge of the city. I made a fence around the coop of 1,5m high, I hope that will do if a fox finds us. There are a few solutions though if you want to keep chickens with foxes in the neighbourhood. The first is to make sure you can close the hen house during the night so the fox can't get at them then. If you keep a rooster he will be able to defend his chickens during the day. The down side of this is that you have to be there every evening and morning to open an close the hen house. Another solution is to not cut the wings of the chickens so they kan sleep in trees or on higher sticks in the hen house so the fox can't reach them, again the rooster will protect them at day-time. This is what I would do if I hadn't all these neighbours. The second soltion is of course not possible with ducks as they don't sleep in trees. The nice thing with ducks is that they don't destroy your vegetables as chickens sometimes do but there are some little chickens (krielen in Dutch) that are much gentler in their picking and scratching and are said to be suited for pest control in the vegetable garden. These little chickens are also high-sleepers. A specificly good race is the Chabo, because they have very short legs they can't scratch. So that might be a option if it would't work out with the runner ducks. Indeed I will not eat my chickens because I'm a vegetarian. But my husband does eat meat sometimes so if we would live on the countryside and have a rooster he probably would eat the cockrells.
Posted almost 13 years ago

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