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Andrew Paul 's Profile
Andrew Paul
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Lacombe, AB, Canada
Climate Zone:
Cold Temperate

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Expeditions For Life ACIL Experimentation Site Food Forests for Pine Ridge Reservation The Love & Haiti Project Paititi Institute for the Preservation of Ecology & Indigenous Culture GardenAfrica Molokai Permaculture Education Initiative - PRI USA & Sust`aina ble Molokai Partnership Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute Kinesi Orphans Permaculture Project Kesho Leo- FoodWaterShelter inc Permaculture Research Institute-Kenya
Anne Hertz Damiana Costa Eddy Modde francine chanover Gayle Ashburn Jennie Vick Kerstin Schmitz Lucille Jodion Sara Zweig Silke Burger Takota Coen Tristan Davis
Adrian Buckley Alice Gray Geoff Lawton Rhamis Kent Rob Avis

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Opportunities for involvement in permaculture aid projects

Posted by Andrew Paul over 13 years ago

I am looking for ways to be involved in community-based permaculture aid projects. If you are looking for an assistant, let me know!

?I am currently working this winter, but keeping my eyes open for how I can be involved. Permaculture aid is an initiative that resonates very well with me as it is solutions based, long-term, and eventually self-perpetuationg. ????

I have a range of interests and developing abilities, all centred on my love for living systems and the communities and cultures that are part of ecosystems and that depend upon them. My passion is to empower communities to care for and conserve their home ecosystems, and thus to leave the world a better place. I am especially drawn to work with indigenous peoples and cultures, both First Nations here in Canada and traditional rural communities elsewhere in the world.

I am currently planning to complete my BA anthropology degree from Athabasca University. Earlier this year, I attended an ethnoecology field school in Kalimantan, Indonesia. This experience further sparked my passion for community-based work in cultural and ecological sustainability.

I feel this is the strength that I could bring to a cross-cultural permaculture project: with my interest and experience in cross-cultural research, I hope to be able to learn from communities I work with, striving to make this interaction a dialogue rather than an "experts teaching the ignorants" kind of project. There is so much ethnoecological knowledge in traditional rural communities -- to ignore this is not only arrogant but also defeats the purpose of the project as ethnoecology is place-specific knowledge. This is why research and design need to go hand in hand.

If you have a permaculture aid project and think there may be the possibility to collaborate on the design, research, and/or physical work on the project, please let me know and we can discuss.

Comments (4)

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Tim Oliver
Tim Oliver : Hi Andrew, I know 2 people who are into permaculture in Canada and they have projects that need additional input, however, they are more "self sufficiency" orientated than community projects which seem to be your interests.

I am on the other side of the world doing what I can developing a rural property and working with my community to educate them about permaculture (I am going to do a permaculture teaching course from PRI in february).

Posted about 13 years ago

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Alice Gray
Alice Gray : Hi Andrew,

we are always looking for committed volunteers at Bustan Qaraaqa in Palestine - if you fancy supporting indigenous people in the face of military occupation. You can find out more about this project at our website: www.bustanqaraaqa.org. Also, I think that Strawberry Fields Eco-Lodge in Ethiopia has a number of internship opportunities open and seems to be an awesome project. Good luck and all the best from Bethlehem,

Posted about 13 years ago

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Magnus Wolfe Murray
Magnus Wolfe Murray : Andrew, if I could also put in my "bid" ! I'm working with the UK Department for International Development in Pakistan, as their humanitarian advisor. We've been supporting a major permaculture programme for 5,000 families in the North of Sindh and it's going well, and many other local NGOs now want advisors and teachers in permaculture. Following 2011 monsoon flooding another 400,000 houses (approx) were destroyed and we're going to be funding the reconstruction of around 50,000 homes. This gives unprecedented access to these communities for a year. We really need PC volunteers / staff to work within the local NGOs we're partnering with. I'm not sure, but I think this might be one of the largest permaculture programmes in humanitarian / early recovery responses anywhere. Regardless of size though, there is just so much need here - to address chronic nutrition crises, deforestation, land crisis and so on.

I have a slideshow on the first PC project here:

Not sure if that link will work.

Anyway, let me know if you'd be interested.

All the best, Magnus
Posted about 13 years ago

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Andrew Paul
Andrew Paul : Wow, thanks for sharing everyone! Alice, a friend of mine was at Bustan Qaraaqa last September -- sounds like such a neat place, I love the idea of a "green intifada" to build positive change in the stressed communities in Palestine.

Magnus, I am blown away by the scale of work you are involved with in Pakistan -- wow.

I will keep both of you in mind, as I am also considering projects with a local humanitarian organization. Thank you once again.
Posted about 13 years ago

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Aid worker
My Permaculture Qualifications
Pri verified
Gull Lake PDC
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Rob Avis
Other Teachers: Adrian Buckley
Location: Gull Lake, AB, Canada
Date: Jul 2011

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