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François Rousselle 's Profile
François Rousselle
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Brussel, Belgium
Climate Zone:
Cool Temperate

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Le sol, la terre et les champs.

Posted by François Rousselle over 13 years ago

That's the title of a book I'm reading now, and I'm warmly recommending it to people who have interest in advanced study about the soil.

This book has been writed by Claude & Lydia BOUGUIGNON, who are experts in soil's biology and have founded theyr own laboratory (LAMS).

This book gives proposals for a new type of agriculture, productive and sustainable. It give a lot of explanations about the soil and its complexity, the various lifes in the soil, how plants and animals grow and interact with it, advices on fertilising the soils, its wildlifes, microbes and plants ...

It give many factual informations in a scientific view, but also gives theyr own questionning and opinions.

I find this book really interesting for perma-people which can read french (there is no translation atm, but it may happen if enough people ask the editor for it ;-)

Perma-Cheers !

Livre claude bourguignon

Comments (1)

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Deaf Monche
Deaf Monche : This is some reason why western cultures are enormous styles and deep weight qualities. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. félicitations à vous
Posted 5 months ago

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Aid worker I'm male, single, and looking for a permaculture partner
My Permaculture Qualifications
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Pascal Depienne
Location: Graines de vie, Nethen
Date: Aug 2010

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