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Erle Rahaman-Noronha 's Profile
Erle Rahaman-Noronha
Last Updated:
Freeport , Trinidad and Tobago
Climate Zone:
Wet/Dry Tropical
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My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)

Wa Samaki Ecosystems

Wa Samaki Ecosystems

Freeport, TT


(projects i'm following)

Daraja Academy Permaculture Project Strawberry Fields Eco Lodge Kinesi Orphans Permaculture Project Purple Pear Farm Caribbean PRI of Barbados (CPRIB) Finca Vista Bella LesJardinsdeMacabou Dachshund Farms, Carenage
Aleeya Rambali Ammon Felix André Rafinon Anne-Marie Rooks Apphia  Attzs Avion Phillips Ben Taylor Berber van Beek Candice  Beharrysingh Céline AL-ZOUBI Clea Chandmal Clifton Maxwell Courtney Jordan Daniel  Joseph Denyse  Ogilvie Edward Inglefield francine chanover Fyto Sandoval Gregory Chee Herschel Hislop Janice Derrick Hospedales Jonathan Ramsay Lark Ambris Lawrence F Lorraine Ciarallo Nakita Poon Kong Richard Ogilvie Roland van Reenen Sasha Sahadeo Shaun de Luna Shiv DuBarry Stephan Subero Ved Valmiki vicki blanchard Wayne Hutchinson Wilhelm Trujillo Probst
Anthony Munene Apphia  Attzs Ashton Mills Ben Taylor Céline AL-ZOUBI Clea Chandmal Emanuel Perez Geoff Lawton Kenton Zerbin Kiddusi Smart Lani Edghill Lawrence F Lorraine Ciarallo Paul Kean Suzette Edghill Ved Valmiki vicki blanchard

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John Nzira Needs Help! Please consider

Posted by Erle Rahaman-Noronha over 13 years ago

John Nzira was the victim of a robbery in South Africa recently. This plea for help is from a friend and I have double checked with a few people to make sure it's for real and not a scam. John is a great guy and has impacted many people in a great way so


and his address is below
John Nzira 
Phone: 0737175232
E-mail: johnnzira@gmail.com

My name is Kimberly Daniels. I work with a non-profit community
development organization based in the U.S. In October/November 2009, I
participated in a 2-week Permaculture Design Course in Harare,
Zimbabwe and then the convergence in Lilongwe, Malawi. One of the
instructors of PDC 9 was John Nzira. John lives and works in
Johannesburg, South Africa. Through his organization, Urban Farming,
John educates and trains those in the local community. Four weeks ago,
I came to Johannesburg to learn about the use of permaculture in an
African context for addressing poverty issues in West Africa, and more
specifically, Burkina Faso. While here in Johannesburg, I have been
living with John's family in their home on the farm. On Saturday
evening, August 6, 2011, as John was preparing to leave the big house
to go to a hut about 200 meters from the house, four men broke into
the home. John was shot multiple times but is now in the hospital
recovering. I won't go into details about all that transpired that
night; my hope is that the permaculture community, in pacticing the
second and third ethics of permaculture, will help.

Stolen that night were: John's computer, his harddrive a projector, a
blackberry cell phone, $700 US dollars, and R 2,000. I also lost two
computers and my blackberry cell phone in the robbery. If you can help
out with any of the following as it concerns John, that would be

- Funds to help John get back on track, as this is his livelihood;
also taking care of his family;
- Permaculture resources (powerpoints, videos, training materials,
etc.), as he lost everything that was on his computer and harddrive;
- A new laptop;
- A portable harddrive;
- Resources for installing/fixing outside lights; electric fencing and
outside beams; razor wire; panic buttons; outside movement sensors;
and reactiving ADT security;
- Donated labor

I'm not exactly sure about John's email address, since I didn't have
it in this email account. However, if you google John's organization,
"Urban Farming," you will find his email address on the site.

Thank you very much for your prayers and assitance.I will keep you posted.

Kimberly Daniels
Peacebridge International - Africa

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My Badges
Consultant Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Maya Mountain Research Farm
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Albert Bates
Other Teachers: Andrew Goodheart, Maria Ros, Christopher Nesbitt
Location: Maya Mountain, Belize
Date: Jan 2009
Wa Samaki Ecosystems
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Peter Bane
Location: Wa Samaki Ecosystems, Trinidad and Tobago
Date: Jan 2007
75 PDC Graduates (list)
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list)
2 Other Course Graduates (list)
have acknowledged being taught by Erle Rahaman-Noronha
0 have not yet been verified (list)
Climate Zones
Erle Rahaman-Noronha has permaculture experience in:
Wet/Dry Tropical
Wet Tropical
Dry Tropical

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