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Natalie Krueger 's Profile
Natalie Krueger
Last Updated:
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Climate Zone:
Cold Temperate

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Ashley Cote Audrey Billings Jake Hanson Jean-Luc Henry Matthew Bennett Noel Dhingra Ryan Harb
Charles Williams Dave Jacke Erik Ohlsen Ethan Roland Geoff Lawton Keith Morris Penny Livingston-Stark Shantree Kacera Starhawk Starhawk
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About Natalie Krueger

Natalie Krueger is a Certified Permaculture Designer /Educator, community organizer, earth steward, wholistic herbalist healer, wild plant forager and activist. She is guided by ongoing exploration within the nature of indigenous traditions and awareness of regenerative practices. Natalie lives, breathes, and eats permaculture principles in her off grid cob cabin in the woods that she built within a recycled pallet frame. Integrating and pursuing sacred relationships, she is dedicated to re-valuing her environment and creating new regenerative patterns for her lifestyle and those around her. From a young age Natalie developed a strong awareness in the elements. Her prime teachers in life have been the plant kin-dom, leading her to explore and deeply listen to patterns in many collaboratory structures as she embarks upon her earth pilgrimage. Much like the oak tree, Natalie is a generalist rather than a specialist and looks to see the larger ecological vision, along with engaging the re-connecting questions that will lead us to a thriving future.

While gathering and assimilating elemental rhythms in various parts of the world including Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica, India, and the USA, she has also built plenty of practical experience in Southern Ontario with edible landscaping, herbal medicines, wild edibles, perennial polyculture, market gardens, IPM, water harvesting, cold climate greenhouses, vermiculture, composting, shitake mushrooms, urban agriculture, natural building design, sustainable nutrition preparation, emotional topography, transition towns, community gardens, the work that reconnects, group facilitation, the art of play and honouring the land.

These are some of the organizations Natalie has worked with recently and played a leading role in:

Transition Guelph and Kitchener Waterloo, are two separate groups of concerned residents who share the vision of a more resilient community, one that can respond and adapt to changing climate, resource and economic conditions. Both groups are inspired by the model Rob Hopkins describes in The Transition Handbook. The aim is to encourage other residents to become involved, offer their own ideas and insights, and pitch in to create a sustainable future for ourselves, our children, and our children's children.
Groundwork, an organization dedicated to planting community gardens, growing and saving heirloom and open pollinated seed, guerilla forestry in the city, and educating the community about sustainable agriculture.

Two Rivers Community Garden, has developed a local growing space in the urban core to grow and harvest locally grown organic food for over 30 gardeners. This non fenced environment provides habitat for birds, pollinators and small mammals with naturalized areas as well as brings beauty to an area for low income families to share. Various public events are held to include neighbours into the community garden.

Warmer, is an eco-activist improv group that asks the questions; How does it feel to live in a time of global emergenc-y? , How do we live our lives, in the present moment ? , How can we work together with a systems understanding and have fun doing that? This group creatively explores contact dance, improv theatre, systems thinking, conversation cafes and collaborative practices in public and through our shared visions.

Waterloo Farmers and Crafters Market Co-op?This market was developed in the new city square to provide residents with an accessible market selling local, sustainably grown food and goods. The intention is to grow the local food shed and rebuild local distribution of fresh food as well as provide farmers the opportunity to earn a living wage. All farmers and crafters must produce what they are selling.


Earth Mama Permaculture Course

This is a new PDC course I am facilitating in Guelph, ON,Canada. We have 13 moms and children from age of 9 months to 10 years attending this class. There has been an increasing interest for mothers to be able to attend workshops in an accessible enviro

Posted almost 12 years ago (1 comments)
My Badges
Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Earth Activist Training
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Starhawk Starhawk
Other Teachers: Penny Livingston-Stark, Erik Ohlsen, Charles Williams
Location: Northern California
Date: Sep 2005
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Brock Dolman
Other Teachers: Tony Anderson
Location: Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: May 2007
Other course verified
Teaching Permaculture Creatively
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: Dave Jacke
Other Teachers: Ethan Roland, Kay Cafasso, Chris Jackson, Alisha Mai Frank
Location: Duluth, Minnesota
Date: Mar 2010
0 PDC Graduates (list)
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list)
0 Other Course Graduates (list)
have acknowledged being taught by Natalie Krueger
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Climate Zones
Natalie Krueger has permaculture experience in:
Cold Temperate
Cool Temperate
Wet Tropical

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