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Roman Shapla 's Profile
Roman Shapla
Last Updated:
Cascadia, Oregon, United States
Climate Zone:
Cool Temperate
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My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)

Jonathan Dempster Lichen June
Albert Bates Ana Biles Andrew Millison April Sampson-Kelly Arina Pittman Bojca Januš Cecily Wolff Christopher Nesbitt Devi Shaily caputo Domen Rupnik Domen Zupan Ethan Roland Geoff Lawton Graham Burnett Janez Božic Janja Kavcic Keith Johnson Liora Adler Loren Taylor Luyendyk Maddy Harland Marisha Auerbach Miran Zgec Piero  Gigante Robyn Francis
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About Roman Shapla

Growing up in the woods and fields of Kentucky instilled in me a deep connection to the natural world. My generation was the first to have wide-spread video games. As a result I was able to witness firsthand how online games, computers, and technology came to be a substitute for outdoor play. My passion now is environmental education in general and permaculture in particular.

I received a B.S. in Anthropology with a focus on child rearing in non-industrial cultures. Shortly afterward my family moved to the Pacific Northwest where I began teaching kids permaculture and nature awareness through games, art, and activities I created.

Since 2005 I have taught at free schools, community centers, public schools, art guilds, homeschool meetings, public libraries, ecovillages, city parks, and various events and gatherings.

Presently I am the Youth & Schools Educator for a children's museum. I am also completing my Master's in Education with an emphasis on creating permaculture-based curriculum for elementary schools.

In addition to classes and enhanced-learning child care throughout the Pacific Northwest, I also offer permaculture-inspired lesson plans, resources, and materials for children and youth.

I am also the founder and editor of Kurent: A Journal of Permaculture for Children, Parents, and Educators. A magazine of kid-friendly articles, essays, games, reviews, and resources.

For more info, contact:

or visit my website:

Follow my Permaculture for Kids blog:

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Free pdf coloring book

The ABC's of Permaculture Free downloadable coloring book

Posted over 10 years ago (1 comments)

Kurent permaculture journal out now!

Kurent: A journal of Permaculture for Childre, Parents, and Educators is now available

Posted over 10 years ago (0 comments)
My Badges
Consultant Aid worker
My Permaculture Qualifications
Permaculture Design Course
Type: Online Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course
Teacher: April Sampson-Kelly
Location: Online & Southeast US
Date: Jul 2006
Advanced Teacher Training in Children & Youth Permaculture Education
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Patty Parks-Wasserman, Kelly Hogan, & Matthew Bibeau
Location: Portland, Oregon
Date: Jun 2011

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