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Convertion of highly abused land into a permaculture food forest
Convertion of highly abused land into a permaculture food forest
Last updated:
Marsaskala, MT
Climate zone:

Nicco Campo
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Convertion of highly abused land into a permaculture food forest

Project Type

Rural, Demonstration, Educational

Project Summary

The land's area is 2800sqm (a little more than half an acre). It is a South-East facing slope and on a terrace. It has been highly abused. Soil has been removed to build a horse track. All kinds of farm animals were running about everywhere, The goal is to repair the damage and restore the land back to life according to permaculture principles and design. The broad steps planned are :- 1) Clean the site of all sorts of rubbish. Sort out what can be re-used and what is to be thrown away. (Although there is no away really) 2) Repair damaged rubble walls and re-build upper wall for security.. The stones that are presently forming the horse track will be used to build this wall. 3) Break up a considerable area of concrete floor and dispose of concrete. 4) Import soil to fill-in the horse track and other bare areas. 5) Form 2 swales on contour and plant local hardy poineer trees.on the mounds. These will eventually provide South wind shelter for the various fruit trees to be planted against the South facing 9 foot high wall when built. 6) Plant all kinds of perennial and annual crops, vegetables and herbs.

Project Description

Restoration of highly abused land


Rain Water Harvesting

Added a system for collecting rainwater into existing underground reservoir.

Posted over 4 years ago (0 comments)

Planted my first vegetable patches

Break from infrastructural work. I plant all kinds of Spring and Summer crops and enjoyed every minute of it.

Posted about 5 years ago (0 comments)

The Yukka had to go.

I like planting trees not removing them but the Yukka simply had to go.

Posted about 5 years ago (0 comments)

Building a new back wall (Dry Stone Wall)

I started laying out a strong foundation for the back wall but gave up on continuing to build it myself.

Posted about 5 years ago (0 comments)

Lower wall support with a supplementary thick low wall/foot path

Used large limestone slabs that were lying about everywhere to enforce lower wall. Used a chain method of building.

Posted over 5 years ago (2 comments)

Dry Stone wall repair

Tried out newly learned skills in dry stone wall restoration.

Posted over 5 years ago (0 comments)

Site cleanup

This place looks like a rubbish dump. Looking at it from above I despair and do not know where to start. Time to roll my sleeves and start just about ANYWHERE. But I just must start!

Posted almost 6 years ago (2 comments)
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Rural Demonstration Educational
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