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Posted by Kaleb Harrington 2 months ago
Location: Davis, Ca Scope: 20ft x 40ft community garden plot Details: This rectangular Garden centers around a fishpond that is 1 m deep and 1 m in circumference, with beds radiating outward from it. The pond liner is simple tarp, and we utilize a natural film of algae to prevent leaks. The fishpond is stocked with mosquito fish, snails, papyrus, lotus, and several other water plants. The rim of the pond is covered with smooth river stones, with Jasper stones and sea shells as aesthetic accents. These give pollinators, frogs, birds, a place to rest or live, providing control of the snails/ pests nearby. The pond also provides fertile water for boosting nutrients for the surrounding garden beds and fruit trees (a pomegranate and two papaya). The opposite side of the Garden has a circular mound in a similar position as the pond. This design represents duality and attempts to emulate the way that mountains, lakes, and flatlands interact. Watermelons and stevia climb the mound’s 1 m tall circular trellis, occupying the vertical space while the fishpond occupies the belowground.
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PDC Course |
Type: Online Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course |
Verifying teacher: Alan Enzo |
Other Teachers: steve cran, Donka Yaneva, Bood Hickson |
Location: Davis,CA |
Date: Nov 2023 |