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Posted by Louis Bernier over 3 years ago
The complete list of the forward-thinking planned preparations, for the successive generations of children to be able to subsist and abundantly prosper, is included in a linked group of files. This Dropbox link: will take you to the file-package that will sequentially walk you through the entire plan.
Incidentally, this Permaculture-based plan can easily be utilized as a template for designing ANY scaled eco-farm project -globally- by modifying to the local terrain & flora and fauna. Additionally, there are Permaculture designers & consultants available worldwide here! Zoom into your area to find the one nearest you. There are also ‘specialists’ like Ben Missimer who assisted me by fine-tuning my local mapping by using LiDAR technology as he does in projects in many other countries – right from his home-based office.
Take your time studying its 478 MB of content! You can start at the beginning with Dwibhuja’s “Table of Contents” summary, or skip to the end where Madhava Priya concludes with her “A Tale of two doors in New Talavana”!
All of the content from beginning to end indicates various aspects of the project that needs your support and attentive association. Please participate in whatever capacity that you can offer – we need you to “Do the Needful”!
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Permaculture Design Course |
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course |
Teacher: Geoff Lawton |
Location: Online |
Date: Apr 2014 |