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Fotini Georgousi
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Nea Makri, Attica, Greece
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Nea Guinea

Nea Guinea

Nea Makri, GR

Alexander Axelsson Christos Karystinos Cláudia Martins Giorgos Malatestas Katherine Rogers
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Support the Mediterranean School of Permaculture

Posted by Fotini Georgousi over 6 years ago

Our crowd funding campaign for the Mediterranean Permaschool is still on! We have alredy reached 80% of our goal. Let's make the Mediterranean Permaschool happen!


School of Mediterranean Permaculture in Greece

This part of the Mediterranean we call home, full of intense landscapes and diverse local traditions, is a really special place. Five thousand years of human activity have left behind a rich history and culture, but also a mosaic of degraded watersheds and highly eroded landscapes... Water scarcity and soil depletion has always been a primal concern for most part of the country. Lack of knowledge and wrong policies have been pushing people towards wrong solutions, aggravating the problem further. More recently, changing rain patterns and frequent - extensive wildfires are speeding up the desertification process, bringing up issues of water and food security.

Our story is the local manifestation of a global phenomena of environmental degradation that takes place in every single region of the planet at different speed and intensity, and calls for local action, adapted to the abilities and the particularities of local communities and ecosystems. In order to ensure our survival and well being as a species we have to actively engage in restoring our local ecosystems, bringing them back to their natural state of lush and abundance. We need sets of conceptual tools and effective techniques for integrating human activity into natural ecosystems, converting it into a revitalizing and stabilizing factor that can promote complexity and diversity.Recognizing the urge to act in this direction, we have designed the Mediterranean Permaschool, that consists of a new set of educational activities aiming at conveying Permaculture design methods and practices, with a special focus on applications relevant to the Mediterranean climate.

Permaschool will take place on Nea Guinea’s Farm, in Attica and the educational activities will be running on a weekly basis for a 3 months period.These educational activities aims at offering solutions to sustainability issues related to the arrangement of human activity and the management of natural resources on a farm scale, in order to meet a wide range of basic daily needs in food, water, energy and housing. They cover the core modules of a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) and have the aim to empower participants to make positive changes that will benefit both their communities and the natural ecosystems that surround them.As our target group mostly consists of people with great enthusiasm but limited financial resources we desiced to give all the Permaschool courses for free, in order to make it really open and accessible.

We ask for your support to give 40 young people the opportunity to acquire this knowledge and to use it in existing and future land based projects that will reinforce the development of the Greek Permaculture network. The money that will be gathered will cover teaching fees and transport as well as material costs.

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My Permaculture Qualifications
Other course unverified
Teacher Training
Type: Teacher Training
Teacher: Rowe Morrow
Location: Spain
Date: Sep 2013
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Rod Everett and Mill Millichap
Location: Greece
Date: Jun 2013
PRI Unverified
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Richard Perkins
Location: Sweden
Date: Jul 2015
Other course unverified
Ridgedale Farm Internship
Type: Internship
Teacher: Richard Perkins
Location: Sweden
Date: Jul 2015
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Rowe Morrow
Location: Greece
Date: Oct 2015
Other course unverified
Regenerative Agriculture
Type: Other
Teacher: Darren Doherty
Location: Greece
Date: Oct 2014
Other course unverified
Water retention Landscapes
Type: Earthworks
Teacher: Bernd Mueller
Location: Tamera Portugal
Date: Oct 2016
Other course unverified
Permaculture Diploma
Type: Permaculture Diploma
Teacher: UK permaculture Assosiation
Location: Greece
Date: Feb 2015

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