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TRANSFORMACJA Foundation - Permaculture Research Centre
TRANSFORMACJA Foundation - Permaculture Research Centre
Last updated:
257 Milionowa str., Lodz, Lodz Voivodship, PL
+48 889 907 710
Climate zone:
Cool Temperate

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BIOshelter - Lodz, Central Poland.

Project: TRANSFORMACJA Foundation - Permaculture Research Centre

Posted by Łukasz Nowacki about 8 years ago

BIOshelter is a solar powered residential building managed as a living ecosystem. It is a space that integrates two, seemingly distant from areas of ​​expertise. The first is architecture - created in order to maintain optimal conditions for the development of the ecosystem inside or acquired and adapted for this purpose with the existing fabric of the city. Structure of the BIOshelter uses numerous glazed surfaces to protect the biological components enclosed within the controled environment, to allowe the air exchange and absorption and storage of sun's energy. The building is characterized by the open exchange of nutrients, gases and energy with the environment, crop production and recycling of organic waste to the soil level. Solar energy is stored in the form of heat retained in the thermal mass, such as water, stone, concrete, soil and biomass of the plants.

The other area is the ecology of the internal ecosystem. BIOshelter can be compared to a closed biom. The architectural structure and thermal mass inside of the BIOshelter maintain moderate temperature. Solar heat is absorbed and stored for later use. The water moves in the soil and plants. This provides year-round habitat for beneficial insects and other organisms. Ecological relationships between pests and their predators, regulate the size of the former. The gases are exchanged between animals, insects, microorganisms, soil and plants. Well-designed BIOshelter, managed by human intelligence can be a livable place for the community of people, with steady supply of edible crops, sustainable energy and can regenerate living soil as a byproduct.

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