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Sefton Park Allotment
Sefton Park Allotment
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Sefton Park, Greenbank Lane, L17, Liverpool, GB
Climate zone:
Cool Temperate

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Sefton Park Allotment

Sefton Park Allotment

Liverpool, GB

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First try with a Berkeley Compost Pile

Project: Sefton Park Allotment

Posted by Fatima Silva Franco about 9 years ago

Last month I tried the Berkeley method for the first time. I have been very inconsistent with the turning days and it is taking longer than 18 days. The pile got too hot between turnings and when I did the 3-5h turnings, after 3-4 days instead of 2, it smelt a little bit like ammonia. After a month it is looking nearly done, it is still warm but worms are starting to crawl on near the margins.

I made the pile on top o a raised bed. It was made mostly of barley left overs from a beer brewery, with some horse manure and greens from the allotment layered in in between. The greens were not shredded or cut, and were mostly nettle, potato and confrey. Because of the big stalks they made difficult turning the pile the first times (they melted after that...). I made the pile, left it 4 days, then remade it a little, adding more greens and manure, and left it for another 4 days. It got hot very fast!

I will try it again turning it very two days next time (hopefully :). I will also cut down the greens a little bit to make the turning easier at the begginig.

Compost day1 20150623 Compost turn 20150703 Compost turn 20150718 close Compost turn 20150725 Compost turn 20150730 close

Comments (6)

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Kathryn Michaud
Kathryn Michaud : Hi Fatima. My local feed store told me that barley is considered one of the "hot" grains, the other being corn, and produce more energy.
Posted about 9 years ago

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S. Symens
S. Symens : Wow, it's looking pretty brilliant to me... Does it still smell?
Posted about 9 years ago

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Cindy Madou
Cindy Madou : I agree with Saskia. I haven't been able to obtain such a result, yet. Good job. I've started a heap last week. Tomorrow the third turn .:-)
Posted about 9 years ago

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Fatima Silva Franco
Fatima Silva Franco : It only smelt the second week or so, when I removed the cover. I guess the ratio N:C was too high, it make sense what Kathryn says...

I didn't add to much horse manure, just 2 wheelbarrels, but I'll try with a less next time.
Posted about 9 years ago

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Rodney Robinson
Rodney Robinson : Very envious here. I have a double set of rotating composting barrels that I got at Costco, charged with kitchen scraps, leaves, and some finished compost for inoculate. After two months of rotating the barrels every other day or so I am not getting a good result. My next attempt will be a pile a meter and a half high. I was told that in PDC class. :-)
Posted about 9 years ago

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Fatima Silva Franco
Fatima Silva Franco : Hi Rodney, I did the meter and a half pile (more or less) and it was really amazing how fast the temperature went up. The compost is finished, it is dark, smells nice and holds a ton of moisture! Waiting to see the results on the plants... and definitely going for a second pile :)
Posted about 9 years ago

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