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Halifax, CA

Angelika Fijalkowska João Gonçalves


Introdroducing Permaea

Project: PERMAEA

Posted by Caelan MacIntyre over 9 years ago

(Please note:

This is a quick post written 8 years ago (with small edits along the way) just to get the basic concept out there and 'on paper'.

Suffice to say that while some things may, for example, be out of date or obsolete, etc., it is afterall a continuously-evolving work-in-progress.)

One manifestation of this ideal of refusing geopolitical borders in favour of older or no borders can be seen in Hogan’s repeated references to the idea of Pangaea, the theorized 'original' landmass that eventually broke apart into the continents... Through their reconnection with Native understandings of space and their successful creation of an effective coalition, Hogan’s characters claim citizenship as Native subjects who have a different but valid knowledge of the world and can forge the political power to help shape that world.” ~ Dreaming of Pangaea: Decolonizing Strategies in Linda Hogan's Solar Storms

“Every daring attempt to make a great change in existing conditions, every lofty vision of new possibilities for the human race, has been labeled Utopian.” ~ Emma Goldman

Permaea is an urgent call for a concerted effort and mobilization toward another chapter in our story, part of a new and evolving cultural language, narrative, expression and action.

In a fundamentally-unethical, irredeemable construct as this current system, practically any significant improvement that doesn't somehow get hijacked, distorted or crushed seems utopian. And an especially dystopian system is one that is not recognized as such by enough people and is accepted as normal or functional, as per such stories as The Matrix and The Allegory of The Cave; one in which few do little to counter and transcend, while many defend and uphold, sometimes with disastrous consequences. The current narrative of and through this large-scale centralized nation-state corporate-oligarchic/plutarchic crony-capitalist global-industrial uneconomic system-- call it what you will-- feeds, and is part of, this dystopia...

"...The map is a simulacrum that, as a model, loses all reference to reality... reality exists only as rotting shreds that are attached to the map, and this is the state of our age according to Baudrillard; that the model, itself, has primacy for us; the real has become irrelevant..." ~ Frances Flannery-Dailey

"Animals don’t do what humans do via speech, namely, make a symbol stand in for the thing. As Tim Ingold puts it, 'they do not impose a conceptual grid on the flow of experience and hence do not encode that experience in symbolic forms.' " ~ John Zerzan

Self-domesticated Humans-- fundamentally wild-- ostensibly evolved within simple, small-scale, visceral, laterally hierarchic band and tribal hunting-and-gathering free-roaming contexts. As such, they seem in fundamental dissonance with the symbolic, layered, distancing, detached cage of systemic ('dystemic') complexity that they have welded like a prison around and between themselves and nature. Over time, they have managed to become increasingly and dangerously out of scale, out of synch, out of control, and out of touch with their world, their spirit, and their complex manifestations, via their capacity for complexity-- amplified and exacerbated by their complex sociopolitical/hierarchical and usually-illegitimate contrivances that tap status, control and fear dynamics. Where, once upon a time, this 'superape' capacity that allowed them to survive and thrive brilliantly on the plains of what is now called Africa has, paradoxically, boomeranged, and is now, by a slow death-of-a-thousand-cuts from a slow-build-of-a-thousand-dubious-decisions and unintended consequences over time, threatening their very survival. Is this the paradox of the human?

Obviously it's past time for a rapid paradigm-shift, inflection point, but of the right kind(s). Question is, when, how? Transition Towns is all but crickets over here in Ottawa and Halifax, respectively, and apparently in the USA as well; Occupy has long disappeared; we have yet to hear of any Deep Green Resistance resistance; David Holmgren, in writing about the consideration of a kind of 'crash on demand', mentions in that article that, “I am more than ready to acknowledge that ‘our’ collective efforts at positive environmentalism during and since the 1970s have so far failed to catalyse the necessary changes in society...”; and Michael C. Ruppert, of the 2009 documentary, Collapse and formerly the host of the Progressive Radio Network show, The Lifeboat Hour, fatally shot himself. (Could he have, instead, created an ecovillage with some of his engaged audience, I wonder, or did he see anything like that as a pointless endeavor, given what he knew? In any case, he often remarked that, if you don't change how money works, you change nothing... And of course, how money works is encoded and enforced by this dystem's own 'proprietary black-boxed rulebook'.)

So then it would appear that we need more of a mature, robust, self-supporting, alternatively-multintegral societal setup. Permaeans need to express their freedoms, such as the free movement about their planet, as opposed to the so-called-private planet of an elite few. Increasing and increasingly-networked ethically-occupied acreages (that would form Permaea's land-nodes) need to multiply care-of-earth-and-people-access to increasing areas of other decentralized acreages around the world. Rather than trying to bake from scratch or, at the same time, kludge the necessary changes within the drag of an unworkable structure, (such as with using its money or fossil-fuels), we would seem to need to be less as a kind of, in a sense, self-referencing stand-alone concept, and more outward-reaching, adaptive, and one that makes meaningful, mutually-supportive/regenerative symbiotic relations with other already-existing organizations, movements and individuals in its environment and on a similar wave, such as, perhaps, re-wilding, Transition Towns, n55.dk, Green Wizards, FLOSS-related organizations, Former Occupiers, Alpha Generation, Deep Green Resistance, ex-ecosociopolitical-prisoners, local/native groups, CrimethInc., 350.org, CodePink, Resilience.org, Sea Shepherd, Wikileaks, among many others. On a progressively-increasing self-perpetuating emergent momentum and dynamic, this could potentially be much easier and faster to develop than anyone might imagine and than anything else.


Think also of the analogy of building with off-the-shelf parts...

"The point here is that people... may form a politic into a singularity. This is where solidarity dies, a place where you don’t engage with people outside your 'understanding of reality', but rather expect 'reality to conform to their subject understanding of it'." ~ Tanday Lupalupa; 'Uncivilizing Permaculture'

Increasing numbers of disparate groups and individuals that are questioning and challenging the status-quo and its values, as well those that are not, etc., are nevertheless all part of the human 'sociogeopoliticultural ecosystem' of the planet, and, as such, are presumably what those of permaculture and others worth their salt, also consider, observe, and make effective responses to.

One response could include an alternative ethical currency or currencies as part of an exit-strategy, even if only initially, given the caveat of how money, as an outgrowth of complexity, can lead to various corruptions and losses of democratic control, and given that global trade systems, as well as the internet, itself, may become increasingly compromised over the course of decline/collapse, thereby rendering some widespread electronic currency forms ineffective.

That said, though, while some things last, the rapid adoption of a purely-democratic electronic/software 'crypto'-currency that ran under the radar through encryption and some kind of piggyback on top of something like Bitcoin's protocol, such as 'Dark Wallet', or something along those lines, might also merit serious consideration...

“...On Thursday, a collective of politically radical coders that calls itself unSystem plans to release the first version of Dark Wallet: a bitcoin application designed to protect its users’ identities far more strongly than the partial privacy protections bitcoin offers in its current form. If the program works as promised, it could neuter impending bitcoin regulations that seek to tie individuals’ identities to bitcoin ownership. By encrypting and mixing together its users’ payments, Dark Wallet seeks to enable practically untraceable flows of money online...

'This is a way of using bitcoin that mocks every attempt to sprinkle it with regulation', says Cody Wilson...’ ” ~ Wired

”Balkind: Permacredits... propose a way for people to invest in permaculture projects. ...In the future, systems like Ethereum will create opportunities to rewrite how society operates. That process will present a historic opportunity for laws to be changed. Will the social justice activists be driving that change or will they be hiding from it?

Schneider: So this is really about power.

Balkind: Whenever we talk about money we're also talking about power. If we want to focus solely on cryptocurrency, we're talking about the ability of normal people to take control over money, to make it their own, to use it as a tool to better organize their communities and meet their needs... Cryptocurrency and crypto-contracts go hand in hand—so yes, we're talking about a lot more than money...” ~ Resilience.org

"The only viable solution of solvency and prosperity is a free market in private currencies-- a solution without the state and its central planners-- one voluntarily determined by market participants.” ~ Tim Swanson

Alternative currencies and economies can insulate their users from currency-manipulations and bad economies and their economic fluctuations, and help influence, facilitate and encourage transitions to new particular forms and locales of ethical trade, economic associations and ways-of-life, and provide hedges, forms of resilience, solidarity and resistance...

As an example, if one had an old-currency debt with a bank, the use of an alternative ethical currency in, and within the protection of, a Permaean economy would seem to limit or nullify its effects, potentially freeing the debt-slave; likewise with being paid, ethically and tax-free, with it-- freeing the wage-slave, while helping to starve the ecocidal economy: Multiple functions. Considered by the dystem, a so-called 'underground economy', it could grow up and out into the sun and form part of a strong and peaceful form of civil disobedience while displacing and becoming the 'overground economy'.

And let's face it, the coercive collection of taxes, using state-controlled currencies, aside from it being considered theft, is used for all kinds of questionable purposes, like secret torture, drone, coup d'etat and imprisonment operations, while aiding and abetting large-scale military industrial-strength wholesale murder of people and planet. Why would we want to buy into these kinds of things and pay, against our will, for what we know little about, that we would likely be vehemently against if we did, and that is often designed to keep us in the dark and control us? So lending legitimacy to, and financially fuelling this hypocritical psychosociopathic machine has little to do with care of Earth or of people, and as long as we continue, can we be truly committed to permaculture and/or changes along those lines?

”I refuse to give money to any corporation or anyone who is involved in the rape of Mother Earth.” ~ Colette O'Neill

"One way to promote local ['glocal/trans-local'] spending is to introduce a local ['glocal/trans-local'/ethics-based?] currency... Eventually, in a period of sufficient upheaval, a money monopoly may be impossible to sustain, then local currencies would be freer to operate... Any initiative which reduces our dependence on national currency in circulation is going to be useful in this regard... Holmgren points out that holding cash under one’s own control, outside of the banking system can greatly increase resilience by reducing dependency on the solvency of middle men. This is very much in accordance with our position at TAE [The Automatic Earth], as cash is king in a period of deflation..." ~ Nicole Foss (my parentheses/emphasis)

While we notice various individuals and organizations asking for monetary donations of course, what matters is land. Incidentally, Native land treaties seem not worth the paper they are written on because the treaties' rules are systemically self-referencing. In other words, ask yourself what a treaty is, and learn that some cronies make up something called 'the law', as if it's a god-given absolute, and blanket it over anything they want, including other people and their own notions and concepts of land, nature or how to simply live. 'Forget' Pareto, 'forget' gentrification. It's everyone's land, everyone's commons equally and it's past time to reclaim it, before there's nothing left.

"Treaties formed an important part of European colonization and, in many parts of the world, Europeans attempted to legitimize their sovereignty by signing treaties with indigenous peoples. In most cases these treaties were in extremely disadvantageous terms to the native people, who often did not appreciate the implications of what they were signing." ~ Wikipedia

(See also, WTO: Why Is It Bad For You.)

Business-as-usual is drawing down, overshooting, competing unfairly (i.e., economies of scale & cost-of-living-difference leverages) and crushing alternative, sustainable, regenerative and ethical ways to live. Diminishing returns notwithstanding, some of this has had the illusory superficial effect of appearing more convenient and competitive in the short term than most any sociopoliticultural alternative. Reminiscent of the 'Do not feed the animals' signage, so far it appears easier, if increasingly-barely, for many domesticated, disempowered and distracted human animals to go to the local big-box industrial-agro grocery stores and purchase increasingly-expensive & inferior food with lousier wage-slave salaries than it is to grow their own food, and transition to that, to say nothing of nevertheless still being locked, and by force/coercion, into the dystem in a myriad of other ways that can be just as difficult to transition out of. The increasing voluminous anti-crony-capitalist plutarchy sentiment all over the internet and world in general, while encouraging, so far appears to be doing very little to overturn ostensible complacency, apathy, reluctant acceptance and/or lock-in into the kinds of real changes necessary. But the volume is there.

"There are a number of steps that need to be taken to successfully reapply the wisdom of the tribe:

1) Individuals must re-establish a sense of deep connection and bondedness to the whole (in this case the planet)... It is especially important that people build direct human connections around the globe. Since the nation-states are today's bullies, we can not rebuild the peace of the tribe unless we build a global community that stands independent of these nations... It is also essential that these connections be 'real', based on meaningful ties of economics and common personal interest, and not just a technique for peace.

2) Our societies need to decentralize to remove crucial pressure points. We need to replace brittle systems of hierarchical power with resilient systems of 'network semi-dependence'. " ~ Robert Gilman

While the video, Are Humans Smarter Than Yeast?, both challenges and suggests that humans may, in that example's context, not be smarter, what seems apt is that this kind of effect may be a natural function or emergent property across different levels of scale, complexity and so-called intelligence. So, where humans are larger and more complex than yeast, intelligence may not matter if a kind of systemic lock-in blindness, lethal mutation or complexity-without-sufficient-braking/reverse-capabilities is there because of intelligence insofar as where its increasing manifestations of complexity (complicated by political/elitist/pecking-order dynamics) may have a paradoxical tendency to reduce control and increase a kind of 'stupidity' over that complexity, as per the Iron Law of Oligarchy. According to Wikipedia, it states that...

“...all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic they may be at the start, will eventually and inevitably develop oligarchic tendencies, thus making true democracy practically and theoretically impossible, especially in large groups and complex organizations. The relative structural fluidity in a small-scale democracy succumbs to 'social viscosity' in a large-scale organization. [Accordingly] ...democracy and large-scale organization are incompatible.”...

Similarly, Jason Godesky writes,

“Why do complex societies become vulnerable to the very kinds of stress which, at an earlier time in its history, the society in question would simply shrug off? Tainter’s answer lies with complexity, itself, and the law of diminishing returns. As a society becomes more complex, greater complexity becomes more costly. The escalation of complexity becomes increasingly difficult to maintain, until it finally becomes impossible.” ~ Jason Godesky

And then there is a looming storm cloud overhead that threatens that an escape from lock-in may only happen in lock-step with the logic of the system:

"According to him, the dystopia of the... Matrix trilogy is already here: the technological-industrial 'machine' is already running the world, a world where individual humans are but insignificant little cogs with barely any autonomy. No single human being - neither the most powerful politician, nor the most powerful businessman - has the power to rein in the system. They necessarily have to follow the inexorable logic of what has been unleashed." ~ G Sampath on John Zerzan

This kind of idea is also reflected in Jay Hanson's Overshoot Loop article.

That said, humans may be unlikely to significantly change or give up their relatively locally-perceived and simply-perceived lifestyles until their lifestyles give them up and/or things get significantly uncomfortable enough, irrespective of how much time, if any, they have left from a global standpoint-- feedback dynamics of climate-change, financial and ecological collapse, peak oil, and so on. This is perhaps unless, and that's a big unless, humans somehow smarten up, mature and act very quickly, and a new 'ecointelligent' or 'extraintelligent' way-of-life is developed that is more directly competitive against the increasingly-crowded and putrid petri-dish of the status-quo. Insofar as we may have a sense of the fundamental problem-- the paradox of the human-- it would then also help to describe one of its fundamental problematic manifestations; this 'status-quo'...

Here's how it appears: Nature, land, nor labour are the equivalent of money. Certain legal systems only make it seem as though they are. In doing so, however, they allow someone, generally not working any harder than another, to earn far more. That's the first part of the simple two-part problem. The second part is that the legal systems then allow those making more money to purchase more land than the others. From this very simple butterfly-effect 'seed equation' cascades most, if not all, social problems, such as landlessness, homelessness, poverty, social stratification, crime, civil unrest, war and ecocide. So the so-called 'law'-- upheld by force (of police and military, etc.)-- essentially an 'embedded gun' to the head-- is therefore fundamentally unethical. It is ironic, perhaps even terrifying, that so many would see the so-called law as the very antithesis of what it really is, and small wonder why we are where we are as a culture, and why it is getting much worse. It's  Feudalism 2.0, and the threat of baked-in decline and collapse on a previously-inexperienced global scale.

"In English jurisprudence, the Crown is the state in all its aspects. In countries that do not have a monarchy, the concept may be expressed as 'the State'...". ~ Wikipedia

The crown, as a physical element, is an accessory, of course, of monarchy/oligarchy, and their classic modus operandi includes military conquest of land and peoples. That's along the lines of primary or primitive accumulation in the current crony-capitalist plutarchy ('capitalist-state') context. This is dystopic non-fiction at its finest, playing out in plain view right under everyone's noses and outside of certain levels of empowerment to do much about. Yet.

The capitalist-state is a racket to boot, a conflict-of-interest, because it tasks itself with treating and exacerbating the very symptoms it causes, with the help of its thuggery in the form of its military, police and private security, etc., paid for often by the victims, themselves, and by the generally coerced, owned, slaved, imprisoned, duped, pimped and played-- like you-- farmed, like a crop, like in The Matrix. The Matrix is about our reality. ID's are leashes, cowbells, brandings.

"Neofeudalism... signifies the end of shared citizenship... As such, the commodification of policing and security operates to cement and exacerbate social and spatial inequalities generated elsewhere; serving to project, anticipate and bring forth a... ‘neo-feudal’ world of private orders in which social cohesion and common citizenship have collapsed... Out of such a marriage of business and government, a symbiosis emerges between the commercial sector's own private security forces and the local government's police forces, with repressive outcomes shaped by profit-driven definitions of deviance and a commodification of social control..." ~ Wikipedia

"The police have always been thugs, but they have traditionally been thugs in the service of elites. The crises of the 1960s produced an outbreak of police hooliganism directed against the citizenry... The police, in short, became self-conscious political actors seeking to defend their own interests, advance their own agenda, act under their own authority, and increase their already substantial power.” ~ Kristian Williams, 'Our Enemies In Blue'

“I think as the years roll on, more and more people will understand that we actually need to change the DNA of this country to have any chance. I think that as the ball starts rolling faster, more and more people will clearly see how the structure of law operates and the necessity of changing it.” Thomas Linzey, Esq.

"Capitalism is a form of class society which has come to dominate the entire world in one global system, where the whole of social production is done for the benefit of only a few... What makes capitalism different from previous forms is the way that wealth is accumulated, which is through the exploitation of labour and the process of the production of commodities: Workers are not payed the full value of their labour; they produce more value than they receive as wages, and that extra labour power, which is stolen by the capitalist and is called 'surplus value', is embodied in the commodities, and realized as profit when those are sold and reinvested as new capital...

[for example] You're working for $10 an hour and you're making boxes of frozen waffles. You're working at a factory. The amount that you're payed is a wage that corresponds to the working day. So you're paid... $80 a day, and you produce $80 worth of waffles in an hour, let's say. So the whole rest of the day, you're producing waffles for free. The value of those waffles belongs to the capitalist, it doesn't belong to you who made them... the factory, itself, was made through the same process, and so it's congealed stolen labour from workers as well... The... first part of capitalism is called primary [or primitive] accumulation, and that's basically going out somewhere and stealing... resources and enslaving people... So basically, it begins as conquering and then once it's 'owned', they claim to have a right to it." ~ Stephanie McMillan

"... So money goes toward those who will create even more of it. But, basically economic growth means that you have to find something that was once nature and make it into a good, or was once a gift-relationship and make it into a service. You have to find something that people once got for free or did for themselves or for each other, and then take it away and sell it back to them, somehow. By turning things into commodities, we get cut off from nature in the same ways we are cut off from community." ~ Charles Eisenstein

"...These 'rich' claim they own land, and the 'poor' are often denied the right to make that same claim. A primary purpose of the police is to enforce the delusions of those with lots of pieces of green paper... Those in power rule by force, and the sooner we break ourselves of illusions to the contrary, the sooner we can at least begin to make reasonable decisions about whether, when, and how we are going to resist." ~ Derrick Jensen

“Inverted totalitarianism is a term coined by political philosopher Sheldon Wolin... In 'Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt' by Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco, inverted totalitarianism is described as a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy... [and where] every natural resource and every living being is commodified and exploited to collapse and the citizenry are lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in their government by excess consumerism and sensationalism.” ~ Wikipedia

...It is small wonder, given such a nightmarish culture, that it treats animals on factory farms the way it does, incidentally. Those are some of the reasons why people have to divest and divorce across the board from such a culture, and why we must truly and completely become our own, beyond just concepts. Up until 2008, I had never heard of permaculture, and the overwhelming majority of people I've spoken with over the years since never had either. How can this shortcoming be addressed?

Regarding more of Permaea's concept, a merge of permaculture and Pangaea, it is a free-association and mutual self-support of the world's peoples and their natural borderless freedoms and rights of freedom-of-movement about the entire globe. It is also a metaphor for our current precariousness, given that Pangaea is theorized to have existed around the time of the most severe mass extinction event ever in Earth's history, the Permian-Triassic-- forced, possibly, through similar, ostensibly exponentially-increasing climate and ecological dynamics as what we, as a species, appear to be forcing, and effectively thumbing our noses at, from within a temporary, spatially and temporally-disembodied level-of-comfort. Like driving a car in the eye of a hurricane-sized tornado. It is an echo through time, a warning and challenge, but also a hope and encouragement that, through this extinction bottleneck, life began again to diversify and flourish...

"Pangaea... was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago and beginning to rift around 200 million years ago... The name Pangaea is derived from Ancient Greek, pan, meaning 'entire', and Gaia meaning 'Earth'." ~ Wikipedia

...Dvinia was mammal-like that evolved during the Permian and survived the Permian-Triassic extinction event...

As a formative concept, Permaea is also a call for a direct-/pure-/hyper-/earth-democratic, mesh-network-inspired, growing glocal/trans-local, 'republic of a million villages', 'decentralized country', 'multiregion' and/or 'hypertribe', via, in part, the growth in the number and free-association of land-nodes, under a kind of shared trust/stewardship in, and that creates, this decentralized planet-wide uncoercive laterally-hierarchic semblance within the parameters of, and informed by, permaculture principles, or better. It is also an answer to how to possibly get out from under the current system's crushing heel.

Land-nodes could include ethically-occupied free places, such as ghost towns, of which there are many; assorted safe abandonments, new 'zones', and so forth. We might imagine groups going in and creating places and spaces as attractive and accommodating as, say, Christiania, or any of the best of the ecovillages around the world, that could then function as springboard nodes for growing, spreading and thriving Permaean communities. Each already-existing ecovillage and intentional community that joined could become part of Permaea too, which is part of the idea. In a sense, Permaea already exists. It's just a matter of contacting, collecting and connecting everyone and of weaving that mesh together.

Pic of Internet

About the graphics; the first/main figure-- an appropriately-adaptive and modified reuse of a previous personal web project's 2D image-map for a 3D matryoshka design (think of nests, birth, local, intergenerational, interrelated, long-term, self-propagating), holding Pangaea, ancient, 'connected' Earth-- inspired this idea for a redesign that could reflect anyone and everyone interested in permaculture and/or related/similar and advancing the sociopoliticultural narratives and expressions along those lines, as well as the idea of transcending the current and increasingly-disastrous and threatening States-of-affairs. Imagine, too, an actual model of that globe that people held for a photo, drawing, painting, sculpture or performance. If the globe could not be held, or for the sake of creative interpretation, it could of course be placed in one's lap, held by someone else, placed on one's head, thrown to someone to catch, or even held by more than one person or whatever. It's all about a design, concept, story, that is appropriate, recognizable, adaptive, inclusive, fun and inspirational. Think of ancient art and artifacts too. This could become one of them. What would it mean to you? What would it mean to future people or even another species looking back on this time, on us... Will our ancestors be the ones looking back at this time or will we be just another fossilized species? It may still be in our hands...

"Behind Boetie's thinking was the assumption, later spelled out in great detail by David Hume, that states cannot rule by force alone. This is because the agents of government power are always outnumbered by those they rule..." ~ Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

“Since unjust systems, by their nature, induce opponents, and in many places barely have the upper hand, mass leaking leaves them exquisitely vulnerable to those who seek to replace them with more open forms of governance.” ~ Julian Assange, Wikileaks

While maybe an understatement, we may be surprised at how many don't actually like the current system and its effects. But they go through the motions, often simply because they feel trapped or chained to its lifestyle lock-in and don't know what to do or how to get unlocked. Well, it's time to free the prisoners, but then, time, also, to think about, plan and offer as many of those who need it, ways to unchain and places to land and thrive. So, for those, for example, who advocate some kind of crash and/or emergency-system-exit, they may wish to consider/advocate for an as-permanent-as-possible room, bunk in a boat, mattress in the back of a van, space in the yard for a tent, or swinging couch on the wraparound porch and so on for the refugees, which there already are, and will be.

“...it's a good idea to have a plan for what to do in case of the sudden shutdown of global finance followed by the shutdown of global supply chains for everything from Saudi oil to Canadian toilet paper. Someone who hasn't made any preparations for that at all is going to have to go and bother those who have...” ~ Dmitry Orlov

Some more ideas:

• Set up an online network/CMS site/system for everyone to interact. (Almost done.)

Consider a future real 'tongue-and-groove' mobile network setup-- i.e., maybe especially, a permaculture sailboat network-- a sustainable sea-highway-- and even setting one up in tandem, and eventually connecting with already-existing sail networks for such efforts as for example when the internet and fossil-fuel-supported transportation infrastructures go down, as well as for education; trade; migration; simple living; leisure; exploration and emergencies, such as those related to social, economic and ecologic hardships.

The virtual online part of the network is something that perhaps only a handful may need to do/manage if everyone else can then use it-- maybe Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla, etc., with something like Loomio or Efficasync modules; and/or maybe even as a merge with Permaculture Global. Permaea's success might likely be enhanced if it were to be somehow merged with Permaculture Global's system, such as especially for choreographic and/or registrative purposes. Permaculture Global is already a network, what with its people, projects, and global locations, but it could become much more-- a decentralized-country communications centre; an e-mycellium where and in how it facilitated/documented, say, physical land-/nodes/trusts/stewardships and human and group interactivity, including with regard to sail-travel. It already uses a map and geo-locations. In the mean time, it might also do well to consider somehow transcending the nation-state form of geographical location, maybe using simple longitude/latitude, climate zones, and/or landforms/waterways and so on to, in part, help rethink our relationship to Earth and each other.

• Continue to Create a new story...


“I believe it is essential that those of us who cannot live in the stifling constrictions of a failing system, must work hard while we can, to build the <strong>parallel systems</strong> that might provide some alternative to the strictures of the Brown Tech world... Meg Wheatley and Deborah Frieze are documenting how communities are leading this ‘Walk Out, Walk On’ shift – from tier-upon-tier ‘parent-child’ globalising dynamics, to peer-to-peer ‘agentic adults’ trans-localisation collaborations.” ~ David Holmgren

Resistance, Wolin and Saul agreed, will begin locally, with communities organizing to form autonomous groups that practice direct democracy outside the formal power structures... These groups will have to address issues such as food security, education, local governance, economic cooperation and consumption. And they will have to sever themselves, as much as possible, from the corporate economy. ~ Chris Hedges
"...the less well-publicised Sarvodaya (welfare of all) movement for nonviolent revolution in India, led by Vinoba Bhave and Jayaprakash Narayan... had sought through voluntary villagisation of land to realise Gandhi's dream of an India of village republics. The implication of Sarvodaya for the subject of this book is brought out by the statement of Jayaprakash Narayan: 'In a Sarvodaya world society the present nation states have no place.' " ~ Geoffrey Ostergaard, 'Resisting The Nation State'

“The 'United Nations' today is neither united nor represents nations... Many true nations, such as the Iroquois confederation or any tribal alliance with a common ethic, are not represented by such a body, nor are whole nations such as the Basques, Tartars, Kurds, Palestinians, Hawaiians, Hopi, Tibetans, Pitjatjantjara, Misquito, Aranda, Basarwa, Herrero etc....
Most nations in the United Nations repress a majority of peoples on earth. Talking with Thomas Banyaca, a Hopi messenger of his people, it became clear to me that we need a new concept of 'nation'... We start by defining a nation as a people subscribing to a common ethic, and aspiring to a similar culture. Such nations may not have a common land base, or language, but do have a common ethic...

At present, many thousands of organisations, affinities, tribes, bioregions, and spiritual and non-government organisations aspire to such beneficial ends; in every continent, a majority of people-- the ethical majority-- want peace; a clean and forested earth; a cessation to torture, malnutrition, and oppression; and a right to work towards these ends. It would take very little additional organisation for these groups to meet together, count their numbers, and recognise each other’s rights. There are, for instance, far less paid-up or active members of political parties or oppressive societies now than there are organic gardeners whose life works seek peace and plenty. As groups discuss, and accept, the minimal ethic... they can quickly proceed to recognise each other...” ~ Bill Mollison

“Louis Althusser further developed it in his writing on what he called Ideological State Apparatuses, arguing that the latter’s power is partly based on symbolic repression…

    Symbolic power... is fundamentally the imposition of categories of thought and perception upon dominated social agents who, once they begin observing and evaluating the world in terms of those categories — and without necessarily being aware of the change in their perspective — then perceive the existing social order as just. This, in turn, perpetuates a social structure favored by and serving the interests of those agents who are already dominant. Symbolic power is in some senses much more powerful than physical violence in that it is embedded in the very modes of action and structures of cognition of individuals, and imposes the specter of legitimacy of the social order.” ~ Wikipedia (recommended companion video: To Change Everything [mirror])

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david kane
david kane : You click to create sweets in the simple yet incredibly addicting game candy clicker. Starting with simple clicking skills, players may use a variety of upgrades and techniques to increase their ability to manufacture candy.
Posted 8 months ago

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