yongo otieno
hello geoff ,mithch taylor ,toni brock ,[atrick mcginn and others would you mind reading this and help out COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL PROJECT;SHARE PEACE PROJECT CONTINENT;AFRICA COUNTRY;KENYA TOWN;KITALE VILLAGE;MATISI ADDRESS;606-30200 kitale CONTACT;+254719623156 EMAIL;sharepermaculture@gmail.com wycliff92@gmail.com INTRODUCTION The SHARE (Sustainable Housing and Agriculture Reaching Everyone) Peace Project is a permaculture education center and farm located in Matisi village in Kitale, Kenya. Our mission is to educate and empower rural Africans to escape extreme poverty and improve quality-of-life by providing them with permaculture-based knowledge, training and skills. We work with people of the 42 tribes of Kenya - especially women, youth and children - in permaculture sustainability, design and development. The organization also offers additional services to the community, free-of-charge, which include value-added product-making workshops, cultural exchange activities, drug abuse prevention and women's rights/equal opportunity programs. The SHARE Peace Project was founded by Yongo Otieno Wycliffe, a native of the Luo Tribe of Lake Victoria region of Kenya. Throughout his life, Yongo was actively involved in farm projects in his community. His passion for planting seeds in the Earth as well as in the hearts and minds of others caught the attention of a friend visiting from the United States. His friend was so impressed by Yongo's passion and potential that he introduced him to permaculture and sent him to the Permaculture Institute of Kenya where he completed training in Permaculture Design. Yongo's hard work and leadership has inspired the growth of the SHARE Peace Project within the past year, which now has a board of ten members and the involvement of many volunteers within the community. Also, this project is gaining an online following by fellow permaculturalists on social media, where Yongo shares his vision, permaculture education tips and photos of SHARE Peace Project with the world. Currently, SHARE Peace Project is completing on the construction of a new guest house and will begin work on a seminar hall. Other priorities are to expand the farm by planting additional crops and fruit trees, as well as to provide education and services to the community in starting and maintaining farms to create lasting sustainable changes and abundance producing industry to the region. PROJECT PURPOSE /OBJECTIVES 1.Provision of free and accessible education to rural communities especially in matisi village 2.provision of clean water and energy to the community members 3.creating of job opportunities to youths in organic farms 4.starting community field school for research and experiments to the community where members from different tribes can come together work on alocated plots on the same land where they can do organic farming as one way of creating peace among tribes 5.provision of vocational skills to youths who will be working alongside aperculturalist to gain functional skills in sustainable farming 6.provision of follow-up workshops to community members 7.its also our foregoing background that we seek to initiate a demonstration center a model of peace to reinstall the communities dream of nature and hospitality for community to share abundance in mix cultures without war among themselves 8.to provide peaceful forum where local members from different tribes will be enhancing in challenges with things about permaculture and other cross cutting issues e.g peace,drug abuse ,war 9.Establish faithful relationships and collaboration with donors ,government and NGO,churches with views of extending our activities PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION this project will be be implemented by adopting the following strategy provision of free and accessible education about permaculture to community members and the most targeted are youths,children and women SERVICE PROVISION 1.provision of clean water and energy for free to community members 2.provision of follow-up work shops 3.Empowering talents e.g dancing ,acting,singing 4.feeding program will be provided at the center 5.provision of peaceful rallies about permaculture 6.provision of skills to youths MONITORING OF THE PROJECT we shall be developing reports of every success we achieve and also posts photos and videos at internet PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY we seeks sponcers and weekly,monthly and yearly donors to help us cover the project operational cost 1.Education materials 2.offices maintenance 3.farm mainatances 4.security personel 5.electricity bills OVERARCHING PROBLEM The majority of the inhabitants of this area live below poverty line (live on less than one USA dollar per day )with small piece of land many families are struggling to survive imagine a family of more than 8 people under one room house with paraffin bills whole year and the only thing they grow and eat is corn .life under poverty hunger and youths and children lack education The people of this area live in vivacious of poverty cycle ,characterized by low income because the cost of buying fertilizers and seeds is much more expensive than the income they get from harvesting ,lack of employment and there for leads to drug abuse .majority of the residents of this area who engaged in farming activities don't have access to education about organic farming ,thus seriously limiting there productivity in harvest and results in poor production Matisi village is in africa,Kenya trans-nzoia west county .its has been keenly observed and shared information from villagers that many families lack education about permaculture Things are not thriving to justification families in the area are poverty ridden, lack permaculture education and are unemployed .people spend most of there time drinking and brewing illicit liquor,casual labour and permaculture activity is low on hired plots Children and youths engage themselves in sniffing gum,street boys&children,theft,robbery,violence ,fighting .the girl child and youths female are pushed into commercial sex exploitation and child labour STRENGTH 1.there is undeveloped plot at matisi to build seminar hall that will help offer workshop 50 by 100 2.we have capacity to help other people empowered 3.we have the capacity to mobilize youths /community to volunteer whenever required by us 4.There is a small plot 50 by 100 that we have already constructed 5 room guest house to help volunteers from far have secured place to stay and help PRESENT PLANS To get materials,financial support and donation to help us cover the operational cost and also meet our objectives with will not only make it happen but as sustain it self for long 1. access to clean water -$1000 2.construction of seminar hall,kitchen,toilet and wash rooms-$3000 purchasing of education materials /gardening tools/kitchen equipments-$700 3.office equipments -$400 4.Hiring security and skill personnel-$60 per month 5.Enlargement of farming for sustainable supply of organic food -$4000 6.bring electric power to the project-$500 EXTEND PROJECT OUTPUT AND BENEFITS 1.creating of employments on organic farm for the community 2. Eradication of poverty 3.empowering talents 4.provision of free and accessible education to the rural communities 5.Creating peaceful co-existence communities PROJECT FUTURE 1.Hire professional personals 2.Extending the farm for organic production 3.Creating employment for youths and community members on organic farming