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Earthcare Education Aotearoa NZ
Earthcare Education Aotearoa NZ
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Tui Community, Golden Bay, NZ
Climate zone:
Cool Temperate

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Back to Earthcare Education Aotearoa NZ

NEW advanced course: Design of Ecovillages & land-based Communities

Project: Earthcare Education Aotearoa NZ

Posted by Inna Alex over 10 years ago

The course is designed as an advanced module to the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC). This course teaches a sequential approach to designing an ecovillage/land-based community using permaculture design principles and methodology.

Tues, 24 March – Sun, 29 March 2015

At Tui Community, Golden Bay, South Island New Zealand


This course teaches a sequential approach to designing an ecovillage/land-based community using permaculture design principles and methodology, culminating in small group designs which encompass each broad step.

The course is designed as an advanced module to the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC).

In order to design harmonious human settlements which marry the needs of people with the needs of the land, we begin by learning attunement skills to sensitize ourselves to the natural environment. The ‘nuts and bolts’ aspect of this course will draw upon mature examples of some of the most successful international ecovillage-communities as our role models. One of these is our residential learning-ground of Tui Community.

Course content:

▪                reading the landscape and site assessment,

▪                land selection and land tenure systems,

▪                internal zoning,

▪                siting buildings,

▪                collective infrastructure (eg water, access, sewerage),

▪                land caretaking,

▪                seasonal calendars,

▪                regeneration of wilderness areas,

▪                community-scale food production, and

▪                social systems.


Who is this course for?

- permaculture designers and developers

- people living or preparing to live in land-based communities/ecovillages

- community development workers who are engaged in land-based projects


Permaculture Design certificate, or prior experience or study/reading of Permaculture.


For more info visit: http://earthcare-education.org/wp_earthcare/courses/ecovillages/

Or contact: earthcarenz@gmail.com

Dscf9895 Dscf0259

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Margaret Kwok - Garden Manager 2015 season

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A member is a permaculturist who has never taken a PDC course. These cannot become PDC teachers. Members may be novice or highly experienced permaculturists or anywhere in between. Watch their updates for evaluation.

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People who claim to have taken a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course somewhere in the world.


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People who’ve taken a Permaculture Research Institute PDC somewhere in the world.


PDC Teacher

People who claim to teach some version of PDC somewhere in the world.


PRI Teacher

With the exception of the ‘Member’ who has never taken a PDC, all of the above can apply to become a PRI PDC Teacher. PRI PDC Teachers are those who the PRI recognise, through a vetting board, as determined and competent to teach the full 72-hour course as developed by Permaculture founder Bill Mollison – covering all the topics of The Designers’ Manual as well as possible (i.e. not cherry picking only aspects the teacher feels most interested or competent in). Such teachers also commit to focussing on the design science, and not including subjective spiritual/metaphysical elements. The reason these items are not included in the PDC curriculum is because they are “belief” based. Permaculture Design education concerns itself with teaching good design based on strategies and techniques which are scientifically provable.

PRI PDC Teachers may be given teaching and/or consultancy offerings as they become available as the network grows.


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The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to be involved in permaculture aid work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture aid worker experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.



The individual with this badge is indicating they are, have, or would like to do paid permaculture design consultancy work. As such, the individual may or may not have permaculture consultancy experience. Watch their updates for evaluation.


Community Project

Community projects are projects that help develop sustainable community interaction and increase localised resiliency.

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