Posted by Lola Byron over 11 years ago
Monday 30 September to Saturday 5 October 2013
Taught by Brendan Cote
This aquaculture course will be a complete overview of what fish
can be grown and raised in rivers, ponds, and dams in Thailand. Rak
Tamachat Education Center is in phase one development of its aquaculture
program with a nursery pond
and a tilapia grow-out pond. We have recently dug a canal that is
attached to our multipurpose rice fields. The intent is to develop and
implement dynamic, integrated systems that utilize animal waste to
fertilize the aquatic plant life that becomes the primary food source
for fish. All aspects of raising fish will be covered starting with the
very basics of constructing ponds and dams, water quality assessment
and mitigation, aquatic plants, fish biology, disease, nutritional
requirements, homemade fish feeds, and more.
Aquaculture Ornamental & Functional Aquatic Plants Aquaponics Artificial Wetland & Water-Use Systems
The specific lesson topics are as follows:
Site Selection (5 Factors)
Pond Preparation, Construction, Considerations, and Management Tips
Pond Biology (Food Chains for Fish Production and Aquatic Plants)
Pond Chemistry (Water Quality and Remediation)
Fish Breeds and Species Selection
Stocking Density
Adding Fertilizer
Feeding and Nutritional Requirements
Maintenance (Cleaning and Inspecting Nets, Aeration, Fish Predation and Prevention)
Diseases: (including fish disease and human disease)
Effects on Environment caused by semi-intensive fish farming
Transporting Fish
Systems: Hapas & Floating Barrel Cages, Rice/Fish
Cultivation, Chinampa Systems; Integrated Animal Systems- Duck Houses,
Chicken Coops and Pig Pens; Duckweed Production, Cut-and-Carry Fish
Fodders, Periphyton Production and Biodigester Residue.
Thailand Semi-Intensive System for Stagnant Water (PASS), Reservoirs, and Rivers Aquaculture Systems
Budgets: Keeping track of it all
The course will be held in the beautiful surroundings of our 75
acre farm only 3 hours from Bangkok in Issan, Thailand. The farm is in
the process of conversion from a traditional Thai rice and corn farm to a
farm that implements the principles of permaculture.
We strive to grow our own food, manage our waste effectively and mimic
the systems that are already present in nature so as to leave less of a
negative impact on the planet. While living on the farm you will become a
part of our international community. Living, sharing and working
together we balance work and fun to maintain a happy functioning farm
If you have any questions please contact us at
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