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Mountain Steep Permaculture - Permacultura em Declive de Montanha
Mountain Steep Permaculture - Permacultura em Declive de Montanha
Last updated:
Chão Sobral, Aldeia das Dez - OHP - Coimbra, PT
Climate zone:
Warm Temperate

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sub-tropical green house laboratory - in "Cherry Tree Country"

Project: Mountain Steep Permaculture - Permacultura em Declive de Montanha

Posted by João Gonçalves over 11 years ago

the early stages of a perenial edible landscape within the green-house microclimate - creating the conditions for the pleasure of co-creation and learning from nature evolutions

Chão Sobral is pretty much a cherry tree lanscape,

with many rocky slopes facing north ... so ...

Towards a subtropical edible dance - we have the conditions to start this learning travel in plant growth:

- soil - (on a terrace, good drainage)

- water - flood irrigation

- polytunnel

- subtropical plants

- management (within the zone 1-2 forest-garden)

- sun and shade (the green house is shaded by nearby trees and schist house wall)

The growth dance has begun - we have invited these guest stars

- grafted and non grafted avocado
- grafted cherimoya anona
- lemon
- strawberry guava
- kumquat - a dwarf citrus
- pepino dulce
- lemon grass
- verbena
- aloe
- passion fruit
- physalis
- Yacóns: Smallanthus sonchifolius, Syn.: Polymnia edulis, P.
sonchifolia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yac%C3%B3n)
- jerusalem artichoke
- tamarillo - brazil tomatoe - tree tomato

soon with arms intertwined

it will get hot and colorful


for now

the lab inside photos


the outside the lab photos



It is located on the ridge crest, next to the old track and water channel. The area is called "Linhar" meaning linen field. It is now becoming a forest of food and a place to rest during the hot summer afternoon.



Comments (2)

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Ute Bohnsack
Ute Bohnsack : Wow!!! The stonewall on the back is brilliant. Did you build it inside or was it an existing structure? The blue barrels and 5 l water containers look familiar ... :) Great heat storage.
Posted over 11 years ago

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João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves : Hi! Good point: the stone wall on the west side belongs to a house built with those small schist stones and clay as mortar in 1887! All containers are 20 ltrs size, and i'd like to add more ... All plants are growing well except for the pepino dulce that has been attacked by the tiny red spider plague. It has been removed. Now we also have sweet potato as a ground cover growing fast, we will eat the leaves. Outside temp. are around 15ºC at night as 2nd of August 2013.
Posted over 11 years ago

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