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Heloisa Dinsmore 's Profile
Heloisa Dinsmore
Last Updated:
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Climate Zone:
Sub tropical

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A Casa da Montanha de Yvy Porã Permacultura na Escola Autonomia Zaytuna Farm, The home of the permaculture Research Institute
Anke (Finja) Dornow Christoph Hofstetter Dana Crawford Dwarakanath Jnaneswar Ekkirala Gabriel Guhr Gabriel Tonobohn Henrique Genereze da Silva Humberto Santana James R. Diegel Jason Nicoll Jennifer Jennings Joe Moraca Jon Holland Jorge Timmermann Jose Dib Loretta Buckner Luis Horacio Gaioto Marco Aurelio Silvestre Marcus Wilson Mark Domingo Martín Somma Maurício Möller deOliveira Michael Roth Nichole Fausey Priscilla Cavenaghi Koch rogerio veiga rodrigues Silvana de Castro Souza Suzana Maringoni Thiago Torres Tiago da Cunha Ferreira Wantuelfer Fernandes Gonçalves
Anke (Finja) Dornow Asya Milazzo Chowgene Koay Christoph Hofstetter Dwarakanath Jnaneswar Ekkirala Gabriel Guhr Gabriel Tonobohn Geoff Lawton James R. Diegel Jennifer Jennings Joe Moraca Jon Holland Jorge Timmermann Loretta Buckner Marcus Wilson Mark Domingo Martín Somma Michael Roth Nichole Fausey Priscilla Cavenaghi Koch Richard Perkins rosileli neves Suzana Maringoni Tiago da Cunha Ferreira Wantuelfer Fernandes Gonçalves

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The land

Posted by Heloisa Dinsmore almost 12 years ago

Description of the land and objectives.

Our land is 9 hectares (~ 22 acres) in size in the Mantiqueira Mountains, in the South of Minas Gerais, (Southeastern region of Brazil), where I would like to create a small garden of eden. The land is at 900m elevation and it has different microclimates, stream, spring, hills, pasture, forest and marsh. The climate is subtropical with wet summers and dry winters. Due to altitude, in the winter there’s fog in early morning and frost. It is situated near a small village where I hope I can attract interested people who have a desire to learn how to live according to the ethics of permaculture. I dream of establishing a living example of how permaculture can be a helpful solution to the problems we face. I’d like it to become a learning facility where people can visit, live, work, and learn.

This is where my heart is, it's also what I want to create for my children and future generations. In doing this I definitely wish to include my children 100% of the time. Actually that is impossible as of now because of the mandatory schooling situation in Brazil, which is why I'd hope to include a free school (recognized by the Brazilian government) in which the curriculum would revolve around permaculture.

I wish to connect with like-minded people from around the globe but specially in my area, to explore possible ways in which we can help each other to reach the goals we have in common.



Comments (1)

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Dwarakanath Jnaneswar Ekkirala
Dwarakanath Jnaneswar Ekkirala : Love the school idea. I run a home school myself here in india for children of friends and family. There is no mandatory schooling program here, thankfully. And all the children (now they are 14 to 18 yrs of age - 7 in total) are all PDC grads!
Posted over 11 years ago

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My Permaculture Qualifications
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Jorge Timmermann
Other Teachers: Suzana Maringoni
Location: Baependi, MG
Date: Oct 2011
Other course verified
Strategies for Urban Permaculture
Type: Other
Teacher: Toby Hemenway
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Date: May 2010
Other course unverified
Designing a Food Forest
Type: Other
Teacher: Toby Hemenway
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Date: May 2010
Pri verified
Online Permaculture Design Course
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Geoff Lawton
Location: PRI of Australia
Date: May 2013
Other course verified
Online Permaculture Earthworks
Type: Earthworks
Teacher: Geoff Lawton
Location: PRI of Australia
Date: Aug 2013

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