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Al Smith
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Fundao, Portugal
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate
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Heiko Vermeulen Samuel Lauwers
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That's a lot of trees!

Posted by Al Smith almost 12 years ago

Beginning to see the wood for the trees... or is it the trees for the wood! Either way it's certain that there is lots of work ahead...

We spent most of Sunday firstly walking the terraced land and discovering the lower borders of the farm. To visit the top of the land required a tractor trip up a newly cleared route (apparently made with help from the local volunteer bombeiros in the last month)... It was quite a shock to begin to get a clearer idea of what the best part of some 40 acres of forest looks like 'close up'! That's a LOT of trees! Indeed it is a pretty densely packed assortment of pines, a good number of 'sobreiros' (cork oaks) with a smattering of eucalyptus! I guess that we should be able to run the rocket stove without a problem for a few decades just on the basis of the trimmings from this lot?!

It is clear that we will need help from those with a strong motivation to be involved with a brand-new 'blank sheet' eco-project and who share our desires to make this place an exemplary permaculture haven!

For the next week or so we will be tooing and froing as we get some preparatory jobs -- such a lick of paint -- sorted out around the houses... But then it will be full steam ahead... and we'll be anxious to hear from interested parties who may wish to join us from spring time onwards. To start with those with tents, yurts, camper-vans or caravans will be most welcome until we can create or acquire some additional accommodations (anyone got a caravan to donate?:D) for those travelling without a temporary roof of their own! (Check out the website and feel free to use the contact form or give us a call)

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