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Posted by Robin C. M. Staple about 14 years ago
My little patio project is all set up. I have an oval tub (smaller than I had hoped for. In the end I had to buy it, because I wasn't able to find anything suitable that people were disposing of, and, not having a car, find it difficult to get to the recycling centre). The tub, into which I have drilled a wide hole, sits on a container which captures the water run-off from the tub. I found a thick branch in the park, which sits in the middle of the tub and goes through the hole into the container beneath it. My hope is that the branch will soak up water and thus help regulate the dampness of the soil, and, that my beans will be able to use it as a climbing pole :-)
In the tub, I have organically certified biochar (enriched with mycelium and other things), mixed with organically certified compost, and some soil which I found in my urban area (I don't have a garden to take soil from).
I also found some wet leaves, which I have used to mulch, hopefully ensuring that the soil won't get too cold...
We've now got quite cold weather again, but hopefully by March spring will start to show its face properly...
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might thrive in a cold temperate planting pot on my patio, which faces north and only gets direct sunlight shining in from the east in the morning? I.e. shade-loving plants. I want to plant as many plants as possible, even if it means not planting much of each plant due to space constraints.
I am also considering finding a tube, drilling holes into it, filling it with earth and inserting it on one end of the tub, to grow hanging crops from. Any thoughts?
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