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Posted by Evelyn Bishop almost 13 years ago
We are in the planning phase of organizing our first permaculture workshops at Art Farm in Bugaba, Chiriqui, Panama in January 2013. We'd like to offer two classes, the first for visitors who would like to learn more about tropical permaculture on a working farm in the lowland web tropics. This would be a traditional class.
We'd like to follow up with a second workshop for the local traditional farmers in Panama and So. Costa Rica who are interested in learning alternatives to chemical based agriculture. This workshop would be priced accordingly to facilitate local participation.
We are seeking interested participates and qualified instructors to collaborate with and teach our international friends and our local communtiy. This will be one of our first workshops at Art Farm, an evolving eco-inspired retreat center and permaculture farm located in Chiriqui Provience, Panama.
Please share your ideas, comments and let us know if you would like to participate or teach with us. Let's collaborate together to create a workshops that honors everyone involved.
Pura Vida,
Lyn Bishop
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