quick-start blueprint for transforming a typical American neighborhood into a permaculture hotbed!
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Jennifer Nazak
How would you go about quickly transforming a typical American neighborhood, where people barely interact, into a full-on permaculture community? This is what I'm setting out to explore.
A couple of months ago I planted a public vegetable garden on one corner of our front lawn. This is separate from and in addition to our private backyard veggie garden. The front garden, known as the Bon Appetit Garden Bed, is specifically intended for anyone to just help themselves.
The first thing that happened was. our across-the-street neighbor came and ADDED to the garden! She brought a bunch of luscious ripe grapefruit from her backyard tree.
Just so you know what kind of people you might attract if you set up a public garden bed! :-)
Posted about 13 years ago
Dustin wallerwork@gmail.com
We have quite the experience of this here in Jacksonville. A couple friends of mine that I have met through .. however things work! Geoff Lawton says you know your doing things right when you keep being surrounded by the right people and all kinds of surplus!
It's difficult in a city, but we have managed to do the best we can just recently! Contact Valerie Herrmann or myself for more information, maybe we can trade plants atleast!